Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Exciting News!

Antonio and Nikki have contacted us tonight to tell us that they want to purchase the motor scooter for Pastor Jean in Rwanda! We have written to Jean to ask for a total price of the scooter, registration, and insurance, so they can arrange to pay for it. Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Father, and thank you to Antonio and Nikki. God bless you, for providing for the pictures of Jesus to be spread all across Rwanda. Here are the last two emails we have received from Pastor Jean.

Dearest Char! I received your lovely message right now and I'm thankful! Thank you for this amount sent to me! It shall help me in many things! God bless you also to help my brothers and sisters in Ghana! I am just passing by internet because from yesterday I am participating in a seminar in Gospel church here and i took opportunity to tell them about Jesus pictures! Last friday and sunday also we were watching Jesus passion movie and people were repenting! oh, Char I read message about Habel ! It is painful and It hurts my heart but I hope Jesus shall recover him! I pray for him! God bless you!

Good evening my dearests in Christ! Char I was passing and write to you a very short message because I was late for the seminar in wich I am participating ! I take advantage of this opportunity to tell you that i don,t know how i can thank you! It is a big help to me and I praise the Lord.As I told you shortly, we were watching the movie during last friday and last saturday evenings it gathered many people from different congregations and many of them were repenting and others came to benefit counsellings about how they can save their lives in Jesus love! Now I have an other opportunity to share with other people in Gospel church here in Kigali. What can i say ! some churches began to invite me in baptism ceremonies for persons who repented after watching Christ passion movie and having received free Jesus pictures! As i have told you about Kayonza I can tell you that Jesus pictures are spread in many areas but some areas are very far pictures are not yey reached there but I hope that God will help me so that the motor scooter will facilitate me very much!I thank for all you do for my family! you always think about us and we are very thankful! Now there are many requests for pictures and I am still waiting for the package .I was on the post today it is not yet arrived! I received also news from Guerizim AME church that you promised to send to them about 3000 Jesus pictures but as they have no po.box they told me that you can send throught my address.