Friday, February 17, 2006


Greetings in Jesus' name. We wanted to let you know that we have reached our goal for ordering the 90,000 pictures of Jesus that we told you about nine days ago, and that we have an agreement with Kinko's Print Shop to order them on Monday. We should receive the pictures in one to two weeks after that day. Thank you Father!!!

We want to thank Suzanne, Mary, Doug, Therese, John, Nikki, and especially Dana, who put us over the top with the money that she sent. We pray for each and every one of the people who helped us, and for their businesses, and for their families. Thank you so much for your support in Jesus!

We will take a picture of the 90,000 pictures of Jesus when they arrive and we will post them online on this blog site.

In Jesus, our Wonderful Friend,

Char Tierney
Apostle and Administrator
Silvana Lupetti
Prophet of the Father in the United States
February 17, 2006

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The spirit can follow the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit has been showing us about following Him, and moving like the wind. He showed us that you cannot be in the flesh, or you cannot keep up with Him. He moves like the wind, and in order to move like the wind, you must be in the Spirit. Our spirits are able to fly. Our spirits are able to soar and move swiftly, but our flesh, and our minds and our feelings, keep us slow and unable to keep up with Him.

Therese and I were talking this morning about moving with the Holy Spirit, and about all He is showing to us, and she said, "I told the Father, I want to serve Him with Felicia and Nikki, as though we were three angels; loving Him and doing His will". Suddenly I saw Therese as though she was an angel. She was large, like an angel strongman, and she spread her wings, and they glistened with iridescent colors. They were beautiful. He is enabling us to serve Him, just as we want to do.

I commented in one of the audio blogs last night that Satan is jealous of us and of our position with the Father, of us seeing what the Father sees, going where He goes. We will move with the Father, as we follow the Holy Spirit, and He will lead us to freedom all over the world, and to relationships with Him, one after another after another, until all on earth knows Him. We know that soon will come the Wedding Feast, where we who are loving Jesus, serving Jesus, and learning from Jesus will unite with Him, but then after the great feast we will come back to the earth, to help people here. In the meantime, we can follow the Holy Spirit, because it is not the physical body that matters, but what was created by God in our spirits. We are able to hear our God. We are able to do His will. Jesus looked to the Father every moment of every day, and did His will, and we can do the same, though we were born into bodies of sin.
Silvana had a dream about a baby. The baby was under a large pile of rubble. She said that everyone said that the baby was dead, but then she saw the baby's fingers twitch. People helped her to take the rubble off the baby and then they gave the baby intravenous fluids and it came back to strength.
This morning I was talking to Felicia on the phone and we were waiting on the Father together. We were asking Him about something specific and we were also waiting on Him for anything He wanted to say. I saw the Father with plans spread out in front of Him. Then, He picked us something which looked like a newspaper. He read it through quickly, scanning every page. He read it all in a flash and folded the newspaper and put it in His pocket. Then, He stood up, with boots on, and started to walk off. This is what I see about the vision: The plans are what the Father is doing, all over the world. He is bringing the world to fredom. He is returning people to Jesus, etc. The newspaper represents what is happening in the world today. It is the day's stories. The Father standing up, with boots on, represents Him going to to act on what was in the newspapers. His plans encompass all that happens. He will return the earth to Himself. His will shall be done on earth. People will come to Jesus. Nations will be freed. This vision is a good example for all of us. We have an overall plan: which is to do the will of God until Jesus returns for us. It is reach others with Jesus. It is to make pictures of Jesus and give them all over the world, and share THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST with people. We have the plan, and then, we look at what is happening around us, whether it be in the nation, or in the world, or in our neighborhood, and we act on those events. We pray for our neighbors that we meet in the stores, we pray for our cities as we watch the local news. We pray for our nation, and for all nations as we watch the national news. Father, help us to do Your will, as lovingly and as effectively as You would do so, Father. Let us be responsive to Your Holy Spirit. Teach us more and more to leave our flesh and our sin, so we can move quickly as the Holy Spirit leads. Lead us to the dying, to those in despair, to those who need You the most, to the fearful, and and hurting, and let us be ready, with words on our lips from You, and pictures of Jesus to give out.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Pictures of Iran rock with cumin


This is the rock we put out for Iran, with cumin on it, as the Father said to do. It is written on the rock underneath: mene, tekel, peres. The Father is speaking to the leadership in Iran: they have been measured and found wanting and the kingdom is being taken from them and given to the people of Iran. (Link to web page about cumin and IranPosted by Picasa
this is an audio post - click to play
this is an audio post - click to play
this is an audio post - click to play
this is an audio post - click to play
this is an audio post - click to play

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Today Felicia called us to ask us to pray for the child of a friend of hers, and for the child of her friend's brother. (Seven month old Ian has Croup, and the ten month old boy has pneumonia.) She asked me to call Jordan and Therese and Nikki so they could also pray for the two babies. After I got off the phone with Felicia, but before I called next door (we live in two houses, side by side, and share a driveway, and we have fenced our back yards together), I saw the Father. He was standing above the earth waiting for us to bring our prayers to Him about the children. It was the same as I saw in the vision yesterday. There is so much happening in the world. There is so much to pray about, and people to pray for, and He is waiting and willing to answer us concerning everything we bring to Him.

Today Silvana was talking about gifts from the Holy Spirit. She said, "Gifts are given, but without Jesus, they make no sense, and they are no good. Gifts are given, first of all to be taken to Him." She is so right. Gifts are given from a loving Holy Spirit to be used, for the sake of others, and just as we bring the people of the world to the Father, so also that which we see by our gift, needs to be brought first of all to Jesus. In our relationship with Him, we will see what He shows us, then as we wait on Him, He will give us wisdom as to what to do with what we see.

The Holy Spirit told me about a month ago that some people have received the gifts of the Holy Spirit and they rejoiced in the fact that He gave gifts, and they loved the gifts more than they loved the One who gave the gifts, who is Jesus. Their interest in charismatic gifts was greater than their interest in Jesus Himself. This leads to deception. Naturally, Satan, who dwells in the spiritual realm, comes to interfere and deceive. The only way to be safe with what is seen and heard from the spiritual realm, is by knowing the truth about what you see or hear from Jesus. Jesus is the Head of the Church. He is the True Vine and we are only Branches. If we lose touch with Him, by not hearing Him, then we lose our safety. Then, though gifts flourish, deception will flourish as well. Gifts are given freely from a generous God, who loves the world, and gave the gifts, and wants us to use our gifts to help others, but we must not lose our connection with Jesus, our Saviour, the Head of us (the church) and our Bridegroom. Rather, says the Holy Spirit, receive His gifts, and use them well, in correlation with Jesus and what Jesus is doing and saying to you.

Felicia Nikki Lydia and Jordan praying for Brother Joseph and the Believers Ministry in Ghana.  Posted by Picasa

Monday, February 13, 2006

Today I was waiting on the Father and I saw a vision. It looked as though we (OPERATION: JESUS PICTURES, and all who are with us in Jesus) were up on the very tiptop of the world. The Father was above us, surrounding the earth, and leaning in to listen to us. Our hands were full, as we made the pictures, and as prayed for people and brought them to the Father in the Spirit, with their needs and their lives. In the vision, and in real life, a person will come to our attention and we will immediately take them to the Father together, and then He answers, and helps them. In the vision, He was moving as fast as we could bring people and problems to Him, so we had to move like lightening to keep up with Him. May we move with the swiftness of the Holy Spirit up to the very day that our Bridegroom comes to claim us!

Last night Therese was telling me about going to the Smith's Grocery Store in a town nearby. She said that a week ago she was in the store with Lydia, the four year old child of our sister in Jesus, Felicia. At that time, she overheard a woman say that she had a migraine headache. Well, this woman is someone to whom we have given pictures of Jesus, who gives the pictures to her boyfriend who is an ambulance driver, and he shares them with people he meets through his work. (Which is wonderful indeed!) So, Therese asked four year old Lydia to go pray for her headache, because Lydia is a lot like Jordan Cooper, with dreams from the Holy Spirit, and she prays for people. Lydia was shy, so she stayed by Therese and asked Jesus to heal the woman's headache. Therese told the woman that Lydia had asked Jesus to heal her. Then, last night, a week later, the woman came up to Therese and told her that about ten minutes after Therese and Lydia left, that suddenly her head got really warm on the top and then her headache went away! (Thank you, kind Jesus!)

So, then the woman said to Therese, "Now I am asking Jesus to help me stop smoking". By the Holy Spirit, we got to participate in helping a person turn towards Jesus for help - who will help her with joy and love! And as she starts to talk to Jesus, she will hear from Him, with words to her spirit, and by the Holy Spirit in many ways, as Jesus makes Himself known to those who are seeking Him, in a myriad of ways, just as He did with Abraham, and wants to do with each of us now. How lovely on the mountains are the feet of them who bring good news. And Jesus IS good news!

Char Tierney