Thursday, July 06, 2006

the fall of North Korea's long range missile

Two days before North Korea fired off its missiles, including a long range one that could have reached the United States, Silvana and Therese asked the Father to foil any missile attempt by North Korea. They said, "Knock it out of the sky, Father". The missile was indeed knocked out of the sky, 35 seconds after being launched. It fell into the sea. The Father showed me that this was like the Hindenburg, which burned up midflight in America in 1937. The Father did not allow it to fly with its swastikas over America, but brought it down. The Father is in control of what happens to America. There has been supernatural protection.

Silvana was talking about the Father and what He has been showing about strengthening us. We need supernatural help and He has promised it to us. The timing of the death of Zarqaqi, the revelations of the perfidy of the New York Times, the news coverage of the discovery of WMD in Iraq, and the fourth of July, all work together to strengthen America as she stands in the war.

The Father continues to speak of "killing monsters". He said, that like Israel, He would do targeted killing, precision killing. We are presently engaged in a war on terror and in the future will face a war against communist allies, but He will win the war over the whole world, the one which He is engaged in with Satan and that is the one that would bring destruction to the whole world, if Satan had his way. There is war over territory and over mens minds and the Father will be successful in all that He does. My heart quails at the thought of the cruelty of Satan and his anger at the world but I know that eternity is real and is near and that the Father can be fully trusted. We can only continue to tell everyone, "You must hear Jesus, so He can lead you and keep you safe, and lead you to help others" and we can continue to give out pictures of Jesus all over the world, which is exactly what the Holy Spirit wants of us and of all who love Him.

Yesterday we were praying for Israel. Felicia said that she was praying for them also and she saw the Father with a yardstick. He said, "the measure of Israel". Yes, He will help them in the war they are facing, and He looks to see what is in them. He will and is strengthening them also. Silvana saw the Father with large stone blocks and He was putting them together. Out of the stones He built a bridge. He said, "It is a bridge between the Old Testament and the New Testament". THANK YOU, FATHER.

So much is happening in the spirit and in the world, and with America, and with OPERATION: JESUS PICTURES, that we are constantly looking to the Father to see what He is doing. On July 2, I saw an angel land before the Father. I saw the unfurled wings of the huge angel, who flew over from Iraq. Silvana and Therese saw the angel also. He was consulting with the Father. I saw him the next day also, still with the Father. Every day the return of Jesus draws nearer.

Pictures of Jesus at Pearl Harbor on July 4th

On the 4th of July, Felicia took pictures of Jesus to Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. When she told us that she was going to take the pictures, I saw the Father about the fact that the pictures of Jesus were going to the site of the beginning of World War II for America. America is at war now, with terror, and war is coming to us on our homeland. (with China) The pictures of Jesus being put there is symbolic of a meeting between what the Father is doing in reaching out to the world and what is coming to us, which is war for America.

Dog Chapman ("the Bounty Hunter" on TV) was also at Pearl Harbor, signing autographs so Felicia got in line and gave him some more free pictures of Jesus. He remembered the ones we had sent to him in the mail a few years ago. When she showed them to him, he immediately said, "I gave all those out". She gave him 400 to 500 more, and told him we are praying for him and for Honolulu, which has a serious drug problem. He gave her his home address so we can send some 8x10s for his house and his office.