Friday, February 17, 2006


Greetings in Jesus' name. We wanted to let you know that we have reached our goal for ordering the 90,000 pictures of Jesus that we told you about nine days ago, and that we have an agreement with Kinko's Print Shop to order them on Monday. We should receive the pictures in one to two weeks after that day. Thank you Father!!!

We want to thank Suzanne, Mary, Doug, Therese, John, Nikki, and especially Dana, who put us over the top with the money that she sent. We pray for each and every one of the people who helped us, and for their businesses, and for their families. Thank you so much for your support in Jesus!

We will take a picture of the 90,000 pictures of Jesus when they arrive and we will post them online on this blog site.

In Jesus, our Wonderful Friend,

Char Tierney
Apostle and Administrator
Silvana Lupetti
Prophet of the Father in the United States
February 17, 2006