Monday, February 13, 2006

Today I was waiting on the Father and I saw a vision. It looked as though we (OPERATION: JESUS PICTURES, and all who are with us in Jesus) were up on the very tiptop of the world. The Father was above us, surrounding the earth, and leaning in to listen to us. Our hands were full, as we made the pictures, and as prayed for people and brought them to the Father in the Spirit, with their needs and their lives. In the vision, and in real life, a person will come to our attention and we will immediately take them to the Father together, and then He answers, and helps them. In the vision, He was moving as fast as we could bring people and problems to Him, so we had to move like lightening to keep up with Him. May we move with the swiftness of the Holy Spirit up to the very day that our Bridegroom comes to claim us!

Last night Therese was telling me about going to the Smith's Grocery Store in a town nearby. She said that a week ago she was in the store with Lydia, the four year old child of our sister in Jesus, Felicia. At that time, she overheard a woman say that she had a migraine headache. Well, this woman is someone to whom we have given pictures of Jesus, who gives the pictures to her boyfriend who is an ambulance driver, and he shares them with people he meets through his work. (Which is wonderful indeed!) So, Therese asked four year old Lydia to go pray for her headache, because Lydia is a lot like Jordan Cooper, with dreams from the Holy Spirit, and she prays for people. Lydia was shy, so she stayed by Therese and asked Jesus to heal the woman's headache. Therese told the woman that Lydia had asked Jesus to heal her. Then, last night, a week later, the woman came up to Therese and told her that about ten minutes after Therese and Lydia left, that suddenly her head got really warm on the top and then her headache went away! (Thank you, kind Jesus!)

So, then the woman said to Therese, "Now I am asking Jesus to help me stop smoking". By the Holy Spirit, we got to participate in helping a person turn towards Jesus for help - who will help her with joy and love! And as she starts to talk to Jesus, she will hear from Him, with words to her spirit, and by the Holy Spirit in many ways, as Jesus makes Himself known to those who are seeking Him, in a myriad of ways, just as He did with Abraham, and wants to do with each of us now. How lovely on the mountains are the feet of them who bring good news. And Jesus IS good news!

Char Tierney