Friday, April 20, 2007

Commentary on "JOIN WITH HEAVEN" blog post

Click link to read "JOIN WITH HEAVEN" on Silvana Lupetti's blog site.

I saw something about the group of people who were walking towards the Cloud of Witnesses, to stand with them, as Silvana was shown by the Holy Spirit earlier today. The people who Jesus brought out of hell are those who were there from Noah's day, to whom Jesus preached when He descended to hell after dying on the cross, and then ascended on high "with captives in His train". The captives were the prisoners in hell, who had been there since Noah's day because of the widespread violence on the earth.

The Father has been showing us about the current warfare in the spiritual realm with a demon strongman, who is a powerful henchman of Satan. He is violent in every way. It is because of this demon and his powerful actions, leading to murder and cruelty and destruction, that Jesus was so serious as He was showing me about seeking the 100th lost sheep the other day. This demon strongman has affected millions and millions of people over time, moving on whole cultures to lead them towards murder and violent actions.

Therese and Mabel and Silvana and I were praying about this demon strongman as the Holy Spirit was showing him to us last week and we asked others to pray with us concerning him. Since then, we see the deaths at Virginia Tech University and we know by the Holy Spirit that the demon is planning to bring more death. He wants copycat crimes. He will move on the weak-minded, who will not resist his evil, but who will join him in the killing of the innocent. His aim is death and sorrow and grief and loss through violence.

It is powerful that those who went to hell because of violence are coming to join the Cloud of Witnesses (and we who stand on earth for love and for our God) during this time of warfare against this strongman, and this season of standing on earth. Silvana said that as they walked she saw their humility. Thank you, Father, for helping us.