Saturday, April 29, 2006

Our brethren the Believers in Ghana are in need

Dear sisters Char and Silvana,

Warmest greetings to you and to all the brethren there in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you very much for your last email, we have been so blessed by all that you shared. We hope that the package that Mary B sent to us will arrive here any moment from now, we will let you know when it comes.

This week we had a pleasant fellowship with the brethren here, and we talked about our relationship with others including you and yours. It is wonderful that the Lord can unite people accross the ocean together, as a family! My constant prayer is that the Lord would continue to use us to guide each other, and to give us the strength to to draw many to Christ. Even at great distances and without having met face to face, you are so close and dear. Even though anyone in the world can communicate through the internet, but it is the love of Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit that unites us strongly together. We continue to thank and praise the Lord that the words of Jesus are spirit and life and that He has opened our ears to hear them, and opened our mouths to speak them, and that we can share them with each other, and remind each other of them.

The Lord continues to burden us about the many souls that are out there without spiritual care that have left the larger churches and have no sort of fellowship or guidance of a shepherd. He continues to take me to Ezekiel 34 and tells me of the wounded sheep that have not been loved and cared for as they should have been by some of the pastors. He tells me how no one has come to search for them and how they are prey to the wolves. I have been praying daily for the Holy Spirit's guidance to reach these souls.

Please, pray for us, pray that Jesus will provide for our daily survival. Things are quite very difficult with us right now. To get food even once in a day is very hard! Pray that Jesus will provide us with the $150 so that we can re-start the soap business which will be providing income for our personal needs as well as our evangelical needs.

You all are always in our prayers. We also pray for Brother Muhumuza Kenneth Ezra, that Jesus will guide, protect and bless him. Extend our greetings, love and thanks to your family and to the brethren there.

Your brother,
Joseph & the brethren here in Ghana