Saturday, July 01, 2006

Green grass before the Father

This morning the Holy Spirit showed something to me, and He showed something to Silvana, and they fit together. When I woke up, I was in the Spirit. He said, "Be like the grass, that grows together and makes a beautiful sight for the Father."

I saw each person as an individual blade, and together we make a lovely lawn. Grass grows together underground and the green shows above the ground. We are united together, in our foundation, in our willingness to do anything that Jesus wants, and as we wait on the Father together to see what He is saying and doing. I know there is a Scripture that talks about the grass that withers and is not permament, but this is not what the Holy Spirit was showing. He was showing something beautiful and green before the eyes of the Father as He looks at us and our service to Him. He is watering the whole world, to reap a crop of a people who will stand for good, resisting evil in the world and in their own lives.

Here is a link to a site that sells grass that weaves together and is stong under the surface, down to the depth of their roots.

Silvana said that the Holy Spirit was speaking to her of this Scripture, "I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me." She said that normally when we quote that Scripture, we are saying something along the lines of: "I can do anything because Jesus makes is possible" but that this time the Holy Spirit was giving it a different emphasis. She said that the emphasis that she saw was around the fact that Jesus will give us strength. Where we are weak, He will help us. As she was talking about it, I saw the grass example that the Father was showing, and I saw the unity that comes as we serve Jesus togther, all united in our roots, and that each blade will be individually helped (strengthened) by Jesus. Each blade has its own weakness and sin and its own strengths and gifts for service to Him. Though we have weaknesses, Jesus will come to us and supernaturally help us with what we need in order to stand strong in Him.

Pastor Nelson is visiting us from Pakistan. It is such a joy to have him here. He and Doug and Anthony and Jordan and Doug's family went on a holiday to a lake in eastern New Mexico for the weekend, while Silvana and Therese and I are waiting on the Father together at home.

It is so painful to see Israel at war. I know the nature of the enemy and I know what evil he has planned against that nation. Israel is strong and many of their leaders have resolve and wisdom. Pray for them, for they need help from God. There is only one thing keeping Jesus from returning to the earth and that is an invitation from the Jews for Him to come back. When they acknowledge that He is the Messiah and that they need His help, He will come. What pressure will be brought to bear on them, as the Father seeks for them to retutn to Him, and Satan seeks to destroy them.

The Father told me today that good will come out of our three days of waiting on Him. How glad we are that He is near and that He cares about the world. The war is in His hands. This evening Therese and I were thinning the marigold flowers and replanting them in the flower beds. As we worked, I felt the Father come near, to be near us. I really love Him. Don't you? Won't you do anything to please Him, to comfort His heart, He who suffers so as He sees the pain and the suffering in the world, who leads us in a war that will only end at Jesus' return.