Friday, September 22, 2006

Speaking of the war on the lowest level

Speaking of the war on the lowest level

August 2002
Char Tierney speaking in Yahoo

the fact that we (so many of the remnant) have weakened bodies is part of the war
the war on the bottom level - the war at home, within ourselves
the war within our spirits, our body,
the Father will win this war
we will end up with glorified bodies, we know
and there will be no death in them,
so His victory will be complete
not only will Jesus have raised Himself from the dead
but He will have returned to man
- to us - His remnant
the body He had given Adam
the curse lifted, death swallowed up in victory
and that battle
will be won by the Father
so we keep looking to Him
and trusting Him
in our weakness
loving Him
not caring whether we go or stay
wanting to be with Him, but longing to do His will on earth
knowing He and Satan have years of history that had nothing to do with us
and the Father will justify all His actions
for He is always right
and always loving
so the war will be won
with love
and we are glad to be vessels for that war