Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A warning and more

I saw a vision the other day and I did not understand what I was seeing, but today the Holy Spirit showed what was meant by the vision. The vision was of a piece of flesh and the enemy was pounding against it.

I was standing in the Spirit, and then I saw the enemy and he was full of fury. I saw that he was furious about health coming to our physical bodies. Silvana and Therese and I are going to start low carb in September, which is a way of eating that helps you to lose weight. We have been on low carb before and liked it very much and we were much heathier while on it. The Father told us to start low carb again in Sept so we have been waiting with anticipation for the time to arrive.

However, there is a deeper significance to starting this diet than our health personally. It will make an enormous difference for Silvana, Therese, and me to be healthy, because our energy levels will go up and we will be able to accomplish more for the Father. That is good news and the enemy would oppose that automatically. However, the Father is also speaking of health to the body of Christ, to all of us who love Jesus, who do His will.

With good health, with healing and provision, we can do anything that the Father calls us to do. And the Father will do mighty things, as the enemy knows full well and deeply abhors. Strength and help from the Father is just around the corner through healing and good health. So, the enemy is furious and a sign of his fury is the fact that he is coming against people around us who want to help Jesus with OJP. Our friend and sister, Dana was almost in an accident twice in one day. Jesus protected her. Rick's daughter and her boyfriend (who have helped us) were in an accident that same night, and Jesus protected and them. Emily got sick, Felicia's daughter got sick, and many others. This will pass and healing will come, but be wise.

Be careful! Look to Jesus because there is this season of opposition. The healing is coming. The help is near, but in the meantime the enemy will try to cause harm, try to sideline anyone he can who is looking to Jesus to hear His voice and carry out His good will, especially with OJP.

Silvana was saying today that people need to be very careful as they get into their cars. Be aware of what is around you. Trust Jesus but show wisdom and care in your actions. Watch where you step, where you walk. Be alert on the freeway or the roads as you drive. Notice what the people around you are doing and be prepared to act accordingly.

The season of opposition will pass, and the power from the Holy Spirit will come. The enemy cannot stop the Father from what He has planned, but he wants to cause as much havoc and suffering among us as he can, so take the warning from the Holy Spirit and be careful and if you get sick, or your family gets sick, look to Jesus for help. Pray for the doctors who help you. Pray for one another. If someone gets sick, let us know and we will join you in praying for that person.

Have you seen this picture of Jordan praying for someone who was autistic? What a beautiful picture of faith and trust in Jesus. And Jesus answers! Join us in praying for others.

Today I saw Jesus and He was in the heavenlies or in heaven. (He was above the earth.) He was in a kitchen and there was a large pot of food cooking. A little later He sat down at a kitchen table there. He said to me, "Something good is coming." I told Silvana about it and she said, "the kitchen indicates food; provision".

Letter from Pastor Jean

Here is a beautiful letter from our brother, Pastor Jean, in Kigali, Rwanda, to Mary, one of the wonderful supporters of what Jesus has been doing with OJP. Pray for Rwanda. Pray for the new school. Pray for Pastor Jean personally. He is the pastor of a church of around 300 people and he also passes out the free pictures of Jesus as the head of OJP in Rwanda. He is very busy, with limited funds. God bless you, Brother Jean.

Hi Mary, This is brother Jean in Rwanda. I am with Operation Jesus Pictures in Rwanda and I serve Jesus here. My wife is Beathy and we have 4 children. Among them the eldest is 7 years old. I am a pastor in a Methodist church. Char, Silvana, Nikki, Therese, Antonio, Doug, Felicia, Robert, Catherine and so many others are our parents, sisters and brothers in Jesus throught OJP.
Here are many non-schooled children and many of them were in risk of becoming alcoholics if they stayed street children or non-schooled children. It was a big burden to us. We tried to pray for them, but finally we realised that it could not heal until we thought it could help if they learn some few things, but we missed the means. Our local church accepted to use the building of the church for classes (it is a rented house which is paid monthly, it can bear 3 classes.) So now about 65 children may begin learning in January.
They will learn writing, reading and counting, songs, rhythms, shading, modeling, languages...and they will learn especially in english. We have not capacity but we trusted in Jesus. We praise the lord because our sisters and brothers of OJP USA are praying for us and some accepted to help for a few materials. We will need some materials, as we were chatting about this with sisters and brothers of OJP USA last Monday. We will be using the dry erase markers board. We hope God will provide, We also will need markers, books for children, exercise-books, pens, pencils, crayons and other materials for children. We have nothing today, but we hope Jesus will provide.
We know that you are one among our sisters and brothers in Jesus there in USA and we know you are one who helps so much in OJP and we know that you always stand with us to pray for that schooling. This is our request to pray for those children, orphans of genocide or AIDS. We hope that Jesus may make a way for the school. We are very grateful and our thankfulness is so high to every one of OJP USA.
Brother in Jesus,