Click on the picture above to see a copy of the tract made for Brother Joseph in Ghana. The language of the tract is Ewe, which is spoken in Togo, Benin, and Ghana. (The picture above cut off the bottom of Jesus' face, but the tract does not. Our scanner did not scan the tract in properly, but you can get an idea of what it looks like.) Pray for the people who receive these words. The Father wants people to know the truth about Jesus; who He is, why He came to earth and that you can know Him, and above all, that He truly does love us. Each person on earth is made by Him and loved by Him, and it is our task to help the Holy Spirit let them know it.
It is war - between Satan and God, over the people of the earth, and the Father looks around to see who is joining Him to fight. He said, "There are no bystanders in My army". If we love Jesus, then we must join Him, because the fight is on and what are our individual lives in the face of the war against all mankind? There is war in the spirit and war in the natural realm. The Father said to Silvana Lupetti recently, "There is a season of breaking back" and we can see it is so. There were the attacks in London, and Egypt, for which we grieve, but there is a push from the Father to help mankind to stand and reject and fiercely come against this evil of terror. We can see mind's changing world-wide and people standing up who would not speak up before. There is a uniting against evil, as the Holy Spirit moves all over the earth. As Silvana says by His wisdom, "Now is the time for mankind to ASK GOD for help, and to ask God what we should do." There is no way to be totally safe from terrorist attacks, such as those from suicide bombers. The Father has supernaturally been helping us, and He will continue to do so, but men and women need to realize that they need His help and to ask Him for it. The prophets say, "Ask God for help".
Continue to pray for Brother Joseph and the Brethren with him. They need the basic provisions, even food. I was very happy today when Therese's daughter Emily said she will be able to send them a little money in a few days.