Wednesday, March 23, 2005

"I go to prepare a place for you"

Daily Manna from the 'Net - Thursday, March 24, 2005

'Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God ; trust also in me. My Father's house has plenty of room; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.' Thomas said to him, 'Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?' Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

John 14:1-6 TNIV Bible

We have been receiving the verse of the day from the TNIV Bible, and I encourage you to sign up to receive it also. Several times the Father has commented to me about the verse that they sent for that day because it was relevant to what is happening in the spirit. Around ten days to two weeks ago, I went out to the arbor to make it ready for people to come there. I pulled weeds, and watered the daffodils and trees, and just basically straightened the chairs and tables so it would be an attractive place to come and be with Jesus. Later, Jesus commented on this to me. He said, "That was timely, preparing the arbor for people. It is symbolic of what I did, when I said, 'I go to prepare a place for you'." Then He said that the time is near that He will take us to the place that He prepared for us". (The Father said a few days later that the taking of us is very, very near.)

Two audio posts from 3/21/05

Two of the posts I made went to the Question and Answer page:
One is about Terri Schiavo and seeing an angel before the Father with a huge candle,
one is about Satan and Lucifer attacking. Some of what is a repeat of what I said in another audio post, but they contain more detail, so they are worth hearing.

PATRICK HENRY by Jordan Cooper

Today is the 230th anniversary of the speech by Patrick Henry, "Give me liberty or give me death". Jordan Cooper, his descendant, made a movie about Patrick Henry, as part of a school project.

To watch Media Player movie, 8.62 MB:

To watch Media Player movie, 1.48 MB:

Catch up from Audio Posts that did not post

There were four or five audio posts that never came through this month, so I am going to make a few comments here about what was being said, so you can keep up with all He has been saying, and then ask Jesus about everything you are hearing and reading here, so He can show you what to do and how to stand with Him.
3-14-05 Silvana, "The truth is a light, like a laser beam, and nothing can hide from the light".
This is the state of the world now. The Father is holding up the light, and all is open before His gaze. He will bring justice, He will set truth in place.
Silvana saw the Father. He was walking through water towards Lebanon. Every step He took had significance and purpose and power. Every step had meaning. He was walking through the Mediterranean Sea.
Char Tierney saw the Father, and He was standing and pushing forward. Satan was standing up also, pushing against the Father. The Father said, "he thinks he can grapple with me". I saw myself with the Father, behind Him. I thought of needing provision (money for provision for making the pictures of Jesus) and Satan said something about stopping the provision. The Father slapped his face twice - first with His left hand, then with His right hand.
3-15-05 When Silvana read the article about James Carroll, the man who called THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, a perversion, she crumpled it and threw it down on the ground. The Father spoke and said, "I will crumple it around James Carrol. His ability to write will crumple. His mental health will crumple". As the Holy Spirit has been saying, again and again, "The Father is acting as a Judge, to the world, and to individuals.
Hosea 14 speaks of the fragrance in Lebanon, as the Father spoke through Silvana of the fragrance of freedom. It also speaks of the roots in the ground, as we had roots for our spring meal for freedom. Lebanon is a turning point and there is war over it.
Brothers and Sisters, it is serious in the world today. Ask Jesus about what is being said, so you can see the truth from Him and continue to stand with Him and be ready to go when He calls us away. The Holy Spirit has been saying, since March 8th, "When the power of the holy people is broken..." I know He means that after that, then we will be taken to that beautiful feast that is being prepared for the Bride and the Bridegroom, and the Father will not only act as a judge, but He will pour out His judgment of wrath on the earth. Nations, beware. Do you stand for good or evil? Individuals, beware. Your enemy seeks your death and the death of those around you and of all you love.
I will post again to catch up with other comments being made by the Holy Spirit, or the Father.

Praying still for Terri

For those who listened to the audio post from yesterday's blog, I discussed the comparison that the Father was making between Terri's condition and the condition of the church. Terri's collapse, which led to her present condition, was one month and one day after the Father gave the sobering prophecy entitled, PARALYZED BODY. The Father also said that the church has a deadly enemy, who wants to kill them; who wants to deprive them of food and water from the Holy Spirit.
Here are some details concerning Terri Schiavo and Therese Cooper, who is with OPERATION: JESUS PICTURES:

Theresa Marie (Schiav0)
Age 41
"Daughter of the Pope"
(Daughter of the Church)

Mary Therese (Cooper)
Age 41
Daughter of the Remnant Church

(Mary) Therese Cooper is a direct descendant of Patrick Henry. Today is the 230 year anniversary of his GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH speech. The Father said that Therese is Remnant of the Church, and Remnant of our godly heritage - our founding fathers. (Jordan Cooper, Therese's seven year old son, is a friend of a descendant of George Washington, who lives in Virginia. He is making a project today on Patrick Henry. On our mailing list also are some who are related to Abraham Lincoln, and another US President. The Father said in the past that this was a sign of His saving of the remnant. Just as He remembers Abraham's descendants, He remembers ours, who founded this nation, trusting in Him.)

Our fervent prayer is that the Father bring to life His remnant church, and as a sign of that, that He brings to life, His beloved daughter Terri Schiavo. If they will let her live, the Holy Spirit said, over time she will get totally well. There will be medical discoveries that bring her back to health, and He Himself will be directly involved in making her well. Jesus' return is so near, that all who are alive today will benefit from the changes on earth that come about with His help and presence. Also, the Father said He would do a miracle and the whole world will see it. (I made 8 different audio blogs that did not show up, and I talked in more detail of what He said in one of those missing posts. Please pray for us, because Satan opposes us constantly as we seek to tell you what the Father has been saying and showing.
Please, Father, please heal Terri, so the whole world will know that You are real and You are love, and that You will help us.
Yesterday I saw a horn come up out of the ground. It was large. It seemed to come up right before the Father, because everything on earth is under His gaze. As the enemy acts, the Father acts with greater power.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Standing with Terri

Audio Post, praying for and speaking of Terri Schiavo
Speaking of the enemy's actions


Kate's Journey: Kate Adamson, recovered from brain stem stroke

This is exactly what I was saying earlier today, that
Terri's mother is like Mary, Jesus' mother. Who will stand with her?
Where is the church?\Culture\archive\200503\CUL20050322b.html

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Standing for Terri Schiavo

Hello. Today we are all standing in a vigil for Terri Schiavo, as we are sure you are also. We have candles lit before the Father and are praying for her and speaking to her spirit, from the Holy Spirit, to help her to come back and to live. The greatest gift we could give Jesus on Palm Sunday is life.

Today, by the Holy Spirit, we put out a rock for Terri before the Father, and immediately after we did so, a rainbow appeared in the sky. He hears us and He will act. God bless President Bush, Senate Leader Bill Frist, House Leader Tom Delay, and all who are standing strong for this innocent person's life.

RAINBOW IN SKY for Terri Schiavo

The Father, our Judge, sees those who are standing for life in this situation, and those who will not distinguish between good and evil. The battle is fiercely engaged: there is war in the spirit. I see war over Pope John Paul ll, and war over Terri Schiavo, and war over the minds of men all over the world. We - the armies of the Father - have penetrated the enemy's territory: Muslims world-wide are re-thinking their beliefs: who is this god who claims that murder of the innocent is acceptable, and in fact sends his followers to murder even against fellow believers? In Lebanon they laid down the standard: the cross and the crescent side by side, on the backdrop of their own flag, being flown for freedom. Freedom of religion is something Satan has never allowed, but the Father brings to all mankind the freedom to choose. Lebanon is a turning point: the beginning of the third phase in the war, as we mentioned in the post: THE HOUR OF JUDGEMENT: THE TSUNAMI. It has begun.

Satan is furious. I saw him scream, as the Father moved towards young Muslim men, to show them the truth: that they are valued and desired in the earth within nations who have freedom, nations with civilized laws, and civilized futures. They need not lay down their lives for nothing, among a group of others who are equally violent. Hope comes to all mankind, including them, although Satan desires above everything to keep them by his murderous side.

I saw Satan and Lucifer allied in evil against all mankind. I saw a map of the world, and saw Russia and China and North Korea, with the enemy facing the United States through them with murder in mind. You and your family are at risk each day, as we all are in this war. I saw and heard the Father, as He spoke of this intense warfare. He is with all who hear His voice, who have trained themselves to hear Him and do His will. He will not leave us, but we must look to Him constantly, because the enemy is murderous and will cause as much damage on the unwary as he can. Be careful in all that you do, and insist that your children do the same, and the Father will help you. Also, be aware that Satan moves through thoughts and feelings and do not give way to him when he comes to attack you. Look to Jesus; He will show you the truth.

God bless you. God bless all who stand for good, for life, for Jesus. God bless Terri Schiavo, and bring her back to life.

Shifts in Muslim opinion possible