Saturday, April 16, 2005
Friday, April 15, 2005
Thursday, April 14, 2005
Dream about the world (outside) and the church (inside) and the snake
The Father has been showing about the interpretation of this dream: The outside is the world, and the inside is the church. The snake is Satan. The man in the dream inside the house was a pastor. The white rag at the end of the rifle was a surrender flag. The pastor talked on and on and on, and never did turn to confront or shoot the snake. The rifle was laying on the floor inside the house (the church). They had the weapon but did not use it. The Holy Spirit would have shown them how to act against the enemy, but they are more interested in talking. and talking.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
The Father speaks of grief to the prophet, Silvana Lupetti
Grief is a phenomenon of the heart. The Father shows grief in the heart of man caused by loss, natural and manmade loss. Evil does not make grief. The enemy does not make grief. The Father does not make grief. Grief comes out of the heart because of loss, most times caused by sin and by evil.
Grief moves within man; around the mind, around the heart, around the spirit; always moving. Because it moves, it is always felt. Grief causes the grieving to lose light, to draw deep within - diminished, always in pain. Grief is not in itself evil, it just exists.
Time can affect grief but only in fading the pain somewhat, but when it moves it is felt as deeply as ever. The Father sees a world of grief - as though the grieving are prisoners, and as though they have lost their lives while they are still alive.
This is the phenomenon: grief coming purely out of the heart of man. The Father wants to answer grief. There is only one answer that stops the constant movement of grief. That answer is hope and only He can bring that answer to the grief itself and begin to free the grieving.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Sunday, April 10, 2005
April 10, 2005
One time Jesus said, "Who are My mother and brothers and sisters? My mother and brother and sisters are those who do the will of the Father." Today He said, "To be My Bride, you must be about the will of the Father." He said that what is on the Father's Table is what the bride must be about: the war, your own flesh, your own sin. To all who listen to the audio blogs, and who read the Table of the Remnant blogs; it is good to listen and hear and ask the Holy Spirit about all that you hear, but also each person needs to read the website, to know where the Holy Spirit is coming from about the church, and about the enemy, and about his lying doctrines. GOD'S WARNING TO THE CHURCH was given fifteen years ago, so there may be changes since 9/11, but it shows accurately what the Holy Spirit feels of the church and why.
Last week I was working outside in the yard, which I love to do and never seem to have enough time to do. I realized that we needed to use some weed and feed in certain sections of the yard. I said to the Holy Spirit, "You often use gardening examples to me concerning your people, the Remnant. What would be the example of weed and feed to the Remnant?" He answered me immediately, "The truth is weed and feed. If you hear the truth, then it is feed for you, because it is what the Holy Spirit thinks, the truth from Him, which is teaching for you. The truth is also a weed killer; it shows up the weeds, the lies from the enemy and therefore sets you free. Common lies are these: 'You are a a loser.' 'You can't serve Jesus well.' 'You are failing God'." Also, there is the following lie, which gets said to many within the church, and appeals to man's pride, "You are special. You are more important than others." The truth is that this is nonsense. We are each of us God's child, His creation, each with value, each accountable to God to act for Him, and realizing these truths pushes away the enemy and his lying influence.
From April 4th and 6th, 2005
- Silvana Lupetti saw a vision of the Pope, lying in his vestments. Then she saw his face implode; immediately decaying. This has to do with the struggle over the church. The enemy wants to enter in, to come into the leadership and what is higher than the pope? The whole world will be listening to the new pope. Newspaper and tv reports will be given on what he says. The enemy wants to speak for the church, to seem to speak for Jesus, by speaking through a pope. We hope you are all praying earnestly about this.
- Char Tierney saw a vision of a bride. She was dressed in a white wedding dress, wearing a veil. Behind her stood a bridesmaid, who was straightening her veil. The bridesmaid wore a long dress with a high bodice. It was green and blue in color with gold embroidery work on it. Jesus said, "It is so close, until I come for you."
- The Father was showing that people in hell do not fully realize why they are there. They think it is because of their actions, but they don't see the underlying cause, which is: why did they act as they did? It is because they lived for self. When sin came to mankind, it was as though a whole new universe - an alternate and alien universe - was opened up to mankind. In this universe, one lived for self, rather than for God. In the universe that the Father created, Adam lived and he loved Eve and cared for the animals and worked in the garden. The Father lived and came to earth and visited with Adam, His friend. They had a loving relationship. That is what was in the Father's mind for all of us when He created man. But sin opened a door to another world, a world in which you don't love and you don't meet with the Father, and you don't live for others. Instead, you care primarily about what you are thinking, about what you feel, about what happens to you. In this world, which is all about you, the Father becomes distant and others become less important than you are. What they care about, what they feel, what the Father says, are not as important to you as your own feelings and thoughts and life.
The angels with the Father, they live by what proceeds from His mouth, they live by where He wants to move. As they see what is happening on the earth, or in the spirit, they care. They care and they act, and they look to the Father always for wisdom. This is what Adam had in the garden, that he lost when he left the Father's will, and it is to this reality, this world, that the Father wants to return us. The whole world is accountable to Him for this, for all of us chose self when we chose sin, and for all of us, Jesus had to die. Jesus did not live for self at all, and nor can we, if we love Him, if we wish to be His Bride, His family.
April 6, 2005
-Our children are not being raised. They are being allowed to grow up, thinking only of self and what is happening with them or around them. They are allowed to live for self.
How can the Father show the youth today how to be? Leaders are expected to lead and be good examples. The enemy wants to pull the feeding tube and deny water to the church, to the world, but the Father will feed them, as they come to Him directly. The water is the truth from the Holy Spirit. We are praying for the youth of today, and for the world, and for the Father to help each of them and to lead them from this selfish existence. Caring about what happened to Terri is a seed, a beginning of caring for others. The Father said that He will give more chances to care about others.
Writing from April 1, 2005
This is what was posted in one of the audio posts that did not survive, and from our notes of April 1, 2005:
- I mentioned a horn that I saw coming from the ground on 3-22-05. I said it was before the Father. Today I saw that horn again, and it came up further from the ground. Then I saw that it is actually the top of a mountain. The mountain that is arising is the Father's Remnant. He will act through the Remnant. I saw drops of water coming out from the Father and I heard the words, "Latter Rain". Silvana said that when we saw the rainbow for Terri Schiavo, that she saw latter rain in the earth also.
Among the mountain:
- On Easter Sunday this year THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST was shown by the 700 Club in Indonesia and 10 million people watched it! How wonderful. Thank you, Father. How great you are!
- A dear friend of ours and sister in Jesus has an aunt who died recently. Our sister was present when her aunt died. She spoke to her, telling her aunt, "You are going to be with Jesus, and heaven lies ahead." She also told her aunt that she was free to go, to go ahead. After she said this, her aunt died, and she was smiling when she went. "This", says the Holy Spirit to the whole world, "This is dying with dignity." And a Remnant believer led the way.
- Therese got a phone call from a man about the pictures of Jesus after he watched one of our television shows. (Which has been changed to every Thursdays on Channel 27 at 10:00 pm, rather than 11:00 pm.) By the Holy Spirit, Therese knew the man's name before he told her his name. She started speaking to him about hearing Jesus' voice. He said, "I know that Jesus speaks through the Bible." Therese said, "Yes, I also used to believe that spoke through the Bible, because I was in the church and that is what they teach." Then she said, "But Jesus spoke to me while I was in the church and called me out, and now I know the truth, that He speaks to people through the Bible and He speaks to them directly, just as the Bible teaches: He spoke to Adam, to Abraham, and many others. He speaks to mankind, and therefore He will speak to me, and He does". She told me that as they were speaking, she saw a dark form near the man. She realized that it was a demon, trying to interfere. (The Holy Spirit said that the demon was not trying to keep Therese from speaking, because he realized that he couldn't, but he was trying to keep the man from believing what she was saying.) As they continued to speak, Therese saw the demon pushing against her and she pushed back. Then, in the Spirit, she saw the man step forward to hear the truth, and the demon faded back and left. The truth will overcome the lies, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
- We gave more pictures to a woman in Moriarty who is the friend of some local paramedics. She has been giving the pictures of Jesus to them, and we gave her another batch to give them. She told us that recently they had given some pictures of Jesus to a woman who had been severely beaten. She took the picture of Jesus from them, and looked at Him, and then she stopped crying. She was looking at the One who loves her, and cares about what happened to her, cares about everything that happens to her.
- I saw that the way is open in every nation for us to go out with the truth about Jesus. We can give pictures, we can show the movie, THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, and people will respond from their spirits. As the Chinese man told Therese, "I like the Western God". Yes, indeed. The Western God is the God of gods, and He is Love. And all the nations who are looking with new interest at Jesus, because of America, because of President Bush, because of freedom, and because of Terri Schiavo, they are wide open for us to come and bring Jesus to them. The way is open and demons are pushed way back and many removed altogether.
- Felicia has been given the lead in praying for The Table of the Remnant and for Operation: Jesus Pictures. Jesus hears her and those who pray with her and He responds. He told her last week that we would get laminate supplies on Friday and we did. He provided for us. The things that Jesus says to her always turn out to be true, so we always ask Jesus about everything He says to her. The Holy Spirit told me that Therese and Felicia are like Stephen and Phillip, who were men filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom. Later, Jesus said that Therese is like Stephen (Jesus said, "After all, she is descended from Patrick Henry, who was a great orator.") Stephen called the Jews to account for killing their Messiah, who had been foretold. Therese speaks the truth to all and talks to Jesus about all that she hears and sees. Felicia is like Phillip, who taught the Ethiopian, and then when the man said, "Here is some water. Why can't I be baptized", Phillip took him down to the water, and then the Holy Spirit caught him away. It is valuable to talk to either one, Felicia or Therese. Both will go to Jesus with you, and on your behalf. If anyone is interested in having both of their phone numbers, contact us and we will give it to you.
- There is a fight over Terri Shindler's (Schiavo) remains. She represents the church and her husband represents Satan. Satan is a deadly enemy to the church. He wants us dead, and he wants to even erase the memory of us. The archangel Michael had to contend with Satan over Moses' bones. This is the same. The enemy is deadly and full of venomous hatred and we see his attempts to take everything from this innocent woman, including a resting place of peace, where she is known and loved. We are all - the whole world - the whole church - the remnant church, and you individually - are in deadly danger, but the Father is with us to lead and help and protect.
- The Holy Spirit said to Silvana of Terri before she died, "Unless a seed of corn fall into the ground...". We were sorry to hear this, for our hearts are full of grief for her and her mother and her family. Silvana saw Jesus carrying Terri off the earth in His arms. Her death is indeed a seed. The whole world saw her fall into the ground and millions of hearts grieved for her. We also see the stronghold of the Judiciary System in America; the judges who cannot be checked, and how the American Constitution's balance of power is being thwarted. "They are like kings", the Father said, "And there will be no kings in America".
- We planted a tree for Terri today, and named it Terri Schindler. She is not a Schiavo, but a Schindler and that is how we will remember her. As we planted the tree, we saw Terri watching from heaven. Jesus was standing by her. Here is a picture of Mary Therese planting the tree for Teresa Maria.
- We also planted a tree and named it Patrick Henry. Two people - Silvana Lupetti and Jordan Cooper - came up with the name separately at the same time. Both were hearing from the Holy Spirit. Now ringing (surrounding) the patio of remembrance, (the green patio is like the rainbow to the Father. He remembers freedom's spread when He looks at it) are three trees. The first one on the left is the tallest - it is Patrick Henry, representing America, who is the leader in the march towards freedom and democracy. Next, is the tree named Liberty, who was planted on April 9, 2003, the day that the statue of Saddam Hussein was pulled down, and the third tree is Terri Schindler, who represents the world; each person. "As you do to the least of these, you do to Me", says Jesus.
- The Father had shown Silvana a vision of salt - it was the salt from the Pope, John Paul ll. The Holy Spirit told us to put salt in the prophet Silvana's hand and on her lips. Then we put oil on a plate and put salt on it. Therese and I dipped our fingers in the salt and in olive oil, then mixed that with the tears from Silvana and put it on our lips. As we did, the angels in the host who are with the Father said,"We live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Father". And we do also. We live not only by Scripture, but we live by every word the Father is saying now, whether it be of war, or sin, or flesh, or the plans of the enemy, or how to reach out to others with Jesus, or of anything that He says to us concerning our lives and our situations. The Father said to Silvana that we (the Remnant) would be more like the angels.
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