Saturday, April 29, 2006

Our brethren the Believers in Ghana are in need

Dear sisters Char and Silvana,

Warmest greetings to you and to all the brethren there in the name of Jesus Christ. Thank you very much for your last email, we have been so blessed by all that you shared. We hope that the package that Mary B sent to us will arrive here any moment from now, we will let you know when it comes.

This week we had a pleasant fellowship with the brethren here, and we talked about our relationship with others including you and yours. It is wonderful that the Lord can unite people accross the ocean together, as a family! My constant prayer is that the Lord would continue to use us to guide each other, and to give us the strength to to draw many to Christ. Even at great distances and without having met face to face, you are so close and dear. Even though anyone in the world can communicate through the internet, but it is the love of Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit that unites us strongly together. We continue to thank and praise the Lord that the words of Jesus are spirit and life and that He has opened our ears to hear them, and opened our mouths to speak them, and that we can share them with each other, and remind each other of them.

The Lord continues to burden us about the many souls that are out there without spiritual care that have left the larger churches and have no sort of fellowship or guidance of a shepherd. He continues to take me to Ezekiel 34 and tells me of the wounded sheep that have not been loved and cared for as they should have been by some of the pastors. He tells me how no one has come to search for them and how they are prey to the wolves. I have been praying daily for the Holy Spirit's guidance to reach these souls.

Please, pray for us, pray that Jesus will provide for our daily survival. Things are quite very difficult with us right now. To get food even once in a day is very hard! Pray that Jesus will provide us with the $150 so that we can re-start the soap business which will be providing income for our personal needs as well as our evangelical needs.

You all are always in our prayers. We also pray for Brother Muhumuza Kenneth Ezra, that Jesus will guide, protect and bless him. Extend our greetings, love and thanks to your family and to the brethren there.

Your brother,
Joseph & the brethren here in Ghana

Report and photos from Kenneth Ezra

Kenneth Ezra sent us a wonderful report of his trip to Rwanda which we will be posting today, and he also sent photos of the trip. Click here to take a look at the photographs.

Friday, April 28, 2006


This morning the prophet of the Father, Silvana Lupetti, said that she woke up seeing a door with a foot inside. Then she saw the door thrown open, off its hinges. She saw that the door was a door into Rwanda. (We have sent over 12,000 pictures of Jesus there, and 25 DVDs, THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, and have received requests for pictures from others within Rwanda.) The Father is in! He opened the door to the pictures of Jesus and the film, THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST and now He is and will be moving there by His Holy Spirit. How much we rejoice over this!

Next, Silvana said, she saw the Father and He was in Israel. She said it was as though He was in multiples. She saw many of Him, each One standing before the door of a synagogue. He stood before the door of every synagogue in Israel. Then He spoke to her and He said, "No door can remain shut against Me."

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Package mailed to Pastor Francis in Rwanda

Here is a picture of the box of pictures of Jesus that we mailed to Rwanda today, with over 7000 pictures of Jesus inside. In the photo, taken at the Post Office, Therese is taping the bottom of the box, with Jordan watching in the background.

Letter from Pastor Francis, Char Tierney's reply

Hi dear Char T. Praise the God. Hope sended to us a man of God, Kenneth muhumuza Ezra. We received him, we was glad to have him in country. He come with a box of Jesus pictures and DVD of PASSION OF CHRIST. W watched it on Sunday evening. people were almost two hundred, many got touched turned to the Lord. We visited orphanage, schools and hospitals giving out Jesus photos and papers which was translated in Kinyarwanda but after we founded that the write has putted same incorret word, about
forty words inside the paper. If possible we can correct it and then send it to your email if you allows us.
US. Prayer needs:
-We need good relationship with people during the time
we will be giving out the pictures and showing passion
of christ.
-God to give us favour in front of people as we are
building the body of christ.
I am Inviting you in Rwanda as I am ending this short
report. God may continue to bless you. Keep in touch.
Yours, Pastor Ntuyahera Francis

Dear Brother Francis,

We are very happy to hear from you again and we are glad to know that you are taking the movie THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST to the people. We are so sorry about the terrible memories that come back during the month of April to the survivors there. Jesus suffered in April too, when He was tortured and hung on that cross. We love all of you and are praying for you.

It is Jesus who told us to get the pictures to Rwanda. He cares so much about what Satan did when he came to Rwanda in April that year and moved on the feelings of the people there with hatred and cruelty and helped them to do the terrible things that were done. Satan would like to do the same thing to the whole world. And now Jesus wants to move Himself in Rwanda: this time with love. He wants to heal and to bring people to know Him - Jesus promised us: if the people (ANYONE) talks to Him, He will talk to them. And that is a good promise from God! He loves each person who suffered and He cares deeply about the pain of the survivors. Tell the people when you give them a picture to talk to Jesus, and to listen, because sooner or later they will hear His voice and they will feel His presence.

We are sending a package of pictures to you today with 5000+ more pictures of Jesus. I am sorry about the wrong words in the writing JESUS IS ALIVE AND KNOWS YOUR NAME. If you could please send us a correct version, I will make a new paper and send to you so you can give the people a better one. If you do not have a copy in English, I can send that to you also, and maybe there is someone among you who speaks English well enough to make sure the writing comes out exactly. We did not know how to check the translation that we got from the translator that we hired from the Internet, so we did not know there were mistakes. We are very sorry.

We are praying for your needs. We will put a little money in the package in an envelope to help with traveling, and when you translate the writing into better Kinyarwandan, then we will send some money to pay to copy it at the print shop, if you need the money. We will ask Jesus to provide this money for us.

God bless you. God bless the people to whom you bring the pictures of Jesus and the movie THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. Can you do something for us: Would you translate into Kinyarwandan the following phrase: "The Father rebuke you, Satan, for your words, in the name of Jesus." ( Comment not in email: The Father wants us to burn these words along with the words of Satan that were said in Rwanda, especially from the radio, in Rwanda in 1994. Satan uses his words for evil. The Father created a world with love by His words, and stirs us to good and joy and eternal life by His words. Satan is just the opposite, and the Father is rebuking him for it.)

Thanking you for your help.

In Jesus, our lovely Savior,
Char Tierney
Apostle and Administrator

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Greetings in Jesus' name. This last weekend, Brother Kenneth Ezra met with Pastor Francis in Rwanda and gave out the pictures of Jesus. Here is the letter we received from Brother Kenneth:

Hello there, its me, Kenneth, in Kigali-Rwanda the capital at 3:40 Rwandan time and am doing well on my second day in Rwanda. I am with Pastor Francis at an Internet cafe and I think he is also sending you an email.

I left Kampala-Uganda on Sunday morning at 2 am (night time) and I reached Rwanda Border at about 8:10 am - Crossing the border was at 8:45/46 am, However Uganda is one hour ahead of Rwanda. I was held at the border until 9:33 am when we got back onto the bus heading for Kigali-capital,Rwanda. The process of getting clearance at the border was quite tiresome; moreover it was raining all the way from Kampala. It was quite some unusual kind of rainfall and as we traveled all the way from Kampala, as every one was sleeping, since we were travelling at night, the SPIRIT OF THE LORD KEPT SAYING TO MY HEART--------"A BLESSING TO THE PEOPLE OF RWANDA++++A BLESSING TO THE COUNTRY RWANDA".

We reached Rwanda and it was still raining. I asked someone in Rwanda when I reached there: does it usually rain that way? and he told me that the rain of that particular day was more than the usual rainfall they experience, so my mind was right about the RAIN BEING A BLESSING AS THE FREE JESUS PICTURES HEADED FOR RWANDA.

I got off the Bus at a place/town called Nyabugogo, about 3 KM from Kigali capital. I then called the Pastor who sent someone to collect me. Before this person came, I had already started giving out the JESUS Pictures to the people around this town. I can sure tell you I made quite a number of friends within seconds and every one of them was receiving these pictures with incredible joy and happiness.

It was raining; but I did not care about the rain falling on me as I gave out the pictures to whoever I could set my eyes on. By the time I was picked up by the Pastor's friend in a taxi, I had managed to give out many of the pictures and THE JESUS LOVES YOU/KNOWS YOUR NAME Kinyarwanda version booklet. My mother had taken time off duty on Friday and together with some friends managed to fold several photocopied copies of the translated article.

Yesterday: Sunday, I reached the Pastor's Church in the morning and still gave out several pictures and article in Kinyarwanda. I was given a chance to address the congregation and on behalf of OPERATION FREE JESUS PICTURES I told them the Prophecy from the Father about Rwanda, and told them about you and the prophet Silvana and everything about Operation Free Jesus Pictures. They were so happy and welcomed me with so much love I felt like tears of joy coming.

Today: in the morning we visited a small kindergarten/nursery school which the pastor set up on a small basis. There are 53 children-3 years to 6 years - and they were so happy to receive the free pictures. I took pictures of them which I will send to you when I get to Kampala. I went to an Orphanage and a Hospital. I laid hands on the sick there and asked the Father to heal them by the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST. This evening we are going to Watch the PASSION OF CHRIST at the Pastor's Church, so many people have been told to come and many of them are eager to watch it. I have to go now but I will give you a detailed report when I get back to Kampala,. I am returning tomorrow to Kampala. I wish I could stay a little longer but I can't. The people here are so lovely and very friendly indeed. I felt I could stay here. All my love, they are so good people, Char, I love GOD. BLESS YOU ALL THERE, BYE.

Here is the letter we received from Pastor Francis in Rwanda:

Dear Char Tierney, Praise the God. Thank you to send to us Kenneth Ezra to bring free pictures of Jesus. We have gave to people and they happy and we need more, to day we are going to see passion of Christ at our church and we visited orphanage, hospital and school giving out pictures to people. It was my answer to have Ezra K here, and I know we God is going to help us as Rwandans through this free Jesus pictures. My Church name is Miracle Center, in Kigali, Rwanda. I will send more reports about me and work.

While Kenneth Ezra was in Rwanda with Pastor Francis: that very day, Paul Rusesabagina, who was the hotel manager of the Milles Collines in Kigali, which saved 1268 people during the genocide (as portrayed in HOTEL RWANDA) came to Albuquerque, NM, to promote his book about his experiences in those terrible days. The book is called, AN ORDINARY MAN. We highly recommend it, as you are looking into Rwanda for the sake of the Father and His heart towards those who were murdered there.

Doug and Therese Cooper went to Paul's lecture and bought his book, and Therese went up to talk to him afterwards and gave him a packet of pictures of Jesus, and included in the packet a copy of JESUS IS ALIVE AND KNOWS YOUR NAME in Kinyarwandan. Mr. Rusesabagina said that Kinyarwandan was the first language that he learned. He put his hand on the picture of Jesus that Therese gave to him and said, "This is what Rwanda needs". He promised to give a picture to each of his family members, and he said he will give the other pictures out to others. Click here to see a picture of Therese talking to him. He was so glad when he heard that Kenneth Ezra was in Kigali that very day to distribute the pictures of Jesus.

I saw a vision earlier today. First, I saw the enemy opposing (as usual) and then, as we were speaking to Pastor Francis in Kigali, Rwanda today on the telephone, I saw as though we had pressed through some sort of defense, and we were in the heart of Rwanda. The Father has opened doors for us, to reach those brutally wounded people. Thank you, Father!

When the prophet of the Father, Silvana Lupetti, heard of the hard rainfall in Rwanda as Kenneth described as he went there, she said by the Holy Spirit, "There is much blood in the ground of that nation and the rain was to wash it away at the approach of the Father." Great good will come to Rwanda by the presence of the Holy Spirit there.

We will send the pictures from Kenneth or from the Pastor as soon as they arrive. Please pray now for Rwanda with your hearts. The Father is breaking down the barrier and coming in with healing in His wings. Today the Pastor said that on Sunday 200 people gathered at his church to watch the DVD that we sent to them of THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, and that the people wept as they watched it. When I watched THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, here in America, I found it appalling and graphically violent and I am sure you felt the same. I wanted to watch, because Jesus, whom I love, did indeed suffer what was portrayed in the film. Imagine being from Rwanda, where you have seen such horrors with your own eyes, and then watching Jesus being whipped and tortured. It must have been so painful, yet they must have felt as though He was one of them. And He is.

Pray for Rwanda. Do whatever you can to help them. Help us to send more pictures and more copies of THE PASSION to them. The pastor said that many people from the villages cannot come to Kigali to see the film, so he is going to travel to them to show the film, THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, and to distribute pictures of Jesus, which is exactly what the Holy Spirit wants him to do. Also, he is going to call a meeting of other pastors in Rwanda to let them know that the pictures of Jesus are available, and also the movie. So, pray for us and please help us to provide liberally to them, with what the Father wants with all His heart for them to have: HIS SON, JESUS.

In Jesus' lovely name,
Char Tierney
Apostle and Administrator
Silvana Lupetti
Prophet of the Father in the United States
The Table of the Remnant
April 25, 2006

PS We are preparing a box of 5000+ pictures of Jesus to send to Pastor Francis today. We have received a request for pictures and the movie from another pastor in Rwanda who also travels in the Congo, so we want to prepare a package for him also. We will send another post to you soon about correspondence and pictures that we receive from Kenneth or others about this mission to Rwanda.

Sunday, April 23, 2006


Brother Kenneth Ezra is in Rwanda this weekend, dispersing the pictures of Jesus, with the help of a pastor in Kigali, the capital of Rwanda. Thank you, Father! In the Father's incredible timing, yesterday Paul Rusesabagina, the heroic former hotel manager of the Hotel Mille Collines in Kigali, who was featured in the movie, HOTEL RWANDA, came to nearby Albuquerque, NM, to promote his latest book. Doug and Therese Cooper went to the lecture to buy his book and Therese gave him a packet of pictures of Jesus, and the Kinyarwandan tract, JESUS IS ALIVE AND KNOWS YOUR NAME, and told him all about Brother Kenneth's mission in Rwanda, AND THE 5000+ pictures we had sent. He was very glad to hear about it all, and he said that Jesus is what they all need. Therese was wearing a laminated copy of Kenneth Ezra's ID card, which shows the flags of Uganda and the USA, and Kenneth's picture and the logo of OPERATION: JESUS PICTURES and she asked Paul if he wanted it and he said he did, so she took it off her neck, with the picture of Jesus and gave it to him. She showed him the tract of JESUS IS ALIVE and told him that we specifically made it for this trip to Rwanda. Paul said that for a long time he and his family were bitter, wondering where God was during it all, and then they came to more peace about it. He promised to give his family members pictures of Jesus and said he would give the others to everyone he meets. (We gave him 100 strung pictures, 100 nonlaminated glossy photo pictures that we normally send to prisoners, 100 of the small cards with Jesus' picture and our contact info, and 2 8x10s and 2 4x6 pictures.) What perfect timing of the Father!

GOD BLESS RWANDA and bring healing and peace and restoration among the people there. Father, bring them away from this wicked adversity against each other that the enemy fostered to such deadly results. Bring to them the truth that is true for all of us on earth: we are brothers, created with love by You, and there is no difference in cultures in humanity. Each person is a created being, loved by You, responsible for their own sin and actions, and yearned for by Your heart and Your Spirit. Jesus died for us all!

Here is a picture of Therese and Paul Rusesabagina as she gives him the packet of pictures of Jesus: