Friday, April 21, 2006


The pictures arrived in Uganda yesterday. Brother Kenneth Ezra picked them up at the post office and then went immediately to a lecture class at his college. Here is the beautiful letter we received from him today:

By GOD'S Grace a Friend to My Mother has connected Me To PASTOR FRANCIS OF A CERTAIN CHURCH in Kigali-RWANDA. I have sent him an e-mail telling him about my Plans while in Rwanda and in a nut shell i have told him about the GODLY Mission to Rwanda Through OPERATION FREE JESUS PICTURES, I have sent him your Website, He is expecting me tomorrow and He will Help me along as i Give out the Free JESUS PICTURES IN RWANDA, i have told him that he will accompany me to Hospitals, Opharnages, Prison, and even on the Streets. i think i will be there for Three Days.

If Possible, am trying to get Permission from My Supervisor here at the Hospital, i hope She allows me an extra one or two days away from work here; Otherwise You should have seen THE HAPPINESS ON ME AND MY MOTHER AS WE OPENED THE BOX LAST NIGHT, WE FIRST LAYED OUR HAND ON IT AND PRAYED TO THE FATHER TO BLESS WHATEVER WAS THERE AND TO MAKE IT "A FRUITFULL SEED" ON WHICHEVER "LAND IT WILL BE SOWED" So We Opened it and the Contents there in are Things THAT ALMOST SENT ME TO TEARS OF JOY-----THANK YOU SO MUCH ALL OF YOU AT OPERATION FREE JESUS PICTURES, AM LOOKING For a way i Can Show my heart felt APPRECIATION and GRATITUDE but i don't know How really i can show You all what is in My Heart, I CAN ONLY ASK THE FATHER IN HEAVEN TO BLESS YOU ABUNDANTLY, The PICTURES ARE SO BEAUTIFUL, MY CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICITY IS SO BEAUTIFUL, THE IDENTIFICATION CARDS ARE STATE OF THE ART, YOU ARE TRULLY GIFTED AND TALENTED, Thank You So Much SISTER CHAR,I saw the Card JORDAN Designed for Kevina and also the 10$, i will be going to see Kevina late evening, i know She is going to be so Happy;

I can Imagine the Work You really Went through in Stringing all that number of Free Jesus Pictures, and Tell You What, My Mother Immediately Fell in LOVE with the PICTURES she Immediately Put on one around her Neck, She Must have Slept with It around her Neck, AND THEN THE MIRACULUOS HAPPENING----I HAVE ALWAYS TOLD YOU ABOUT MY STOMACH PROBLEMS- The Horrible Stomach discomfort i usually get Starts as soon as i wake Up in the Morning then at times it goes on that way the whole day BUT TO BE HONEST, SINCE I WOKE UP THIS MORNING UP TO NOW(10:45AM) I HAVENT FELT THE SLIGHTEST PAIN IN MY STOMACH, PRAISE BE TO THE FATHER, JESUS IS ALIVE TRULLY AND I CAN SEE THE MIRACLE SURROUNDING THESE PICTURES, I Can Just Imagine How JESUS IS GOING TO ENTER INTO RWANDA AND BRING A TREMENDOUS POSITIVE CHANGE IN THE LIVES OF PEOPLE THERE!
Well i have to Sign Out now and do some Work! Please Keep in Touch, GREETINGS To Sister CHAR and all the OTHERS-GOD BLESS YOU-I LOVE YOU ALL! Kenneth Ezra

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Germany to open records of holocaust victims,2933,192156,00.html Thank you, Father! May the truth emerge, so that the world can see what was done against Your people, and may turn away from such a terrible thing every happening to any groups of people again.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Commentary on TWO STONE BOWLS

Char Tierney: As I was listening to Silvana recount the incredible vision given to her by the Father last night; when she got to the part where she mentions seeing Abel, by the Holy Spirit, I saw Abel. I saw him standing, and I saw his heart, which was wounded by this terrible thing done to him. And I saw that he should have been on earth. Good would have come from him all his life. He did not deserve being murdered. No one had the right to take his life from him; to remove him from the earth, where he would have lived and loved others, and had the life that was the gift of God to him. I saw how he does indeed stand at a portal and receive the murdered from the earth. It is fitting that the Father should assign this loving duty to him, because he can help others who suffer as he suffered. The pain that I saw in the heart of Abel is the pain that the Father feels as He looks over the whole earth and see murder upon murder.

The Holy Spirit has been showing these visions of the murdered gathering for several days now, culminating with this powerful vision that was shown to Silvana. Earlier among the gathering, I saw people who had been murdered by abortion. They were standing quietly in a group. They were so still that it seemed they were hardly there. I asked the Father why they were so quiet and I saw His answer: those who were murdered in Rwanda, had families and friends who cared. Those who were murdered in the Holocaust have survivors who mourn their tragic deaths. Others have police searching for their killers. But the aborted were killed by their own mothers. Because of this, it was as though they have no family, no one on earth. They were cut off from their aunts and uncles and grandparents and cousins, because their own mothers rejected them from even coming onto the earth. They look towards the earth, towards the Day of the Murdered, silently. In the Spirit, I spoke to them. I told them that we (all of you and I, who love Jesus) are their family. They are our daughters, they are our sons, and we love them.

Another thing I saw as I was looking at the gathering a few days ago, was a group together of people murdered in the Holocaust, and then I saw Jesus approaching. The Jews who were killed during Hitler's mad reign, now know that Jesus is the Messiah. As Jesus neared them, they cried out with welcome and praise to Him. They parted (just as Silvana saw when the Father came to them) and Jesus went to the front of the gathering and looked towards the earth. I heard it said, "Where is your Bride?" and I saw a empty space next to Him for her. Are you ready? Are you acting? Have you laid down your life and the lives of your family, so you can concentrate on doing the Father's will? Are you giving pictures of Jesus to the despairing? Are you supporting those who are? Do you see what the Father shows and pray for the events and the people of earth?

We had a wonderful opportunity to send free pictures of Jesus to Rwanda, and as we told you on the web blog, we were opposed at every turn. Silvana, Therese, and I got sick, Doug was hospitalized with a life-threatening blood clot, (he is slowly recovering) Kenneth Ezra got malaria and stomach problems, Doris, who translated JESUS IS ALIVE AND KNOWS YOUR NAME into Swahili, also got sick with malaria and stomach problems. We didn't have the money available to send the pictures by FedEx or another service that was hundreds of dollars, so we sent 5000+ pictures of Jesus through the US mail, which cost $110 and promised a three to five day delivery. The package of pictures was mailed on April 5, and left the USA on April 6th, but it has not turned up in the records in Uganda. I saw Satan dressed as a post office official opposing the pictures of Jesus. Later we realized that it was because the post office in Uganda has the wrong information about the package, so an employee there began telling Kenneth Ezra that the package has not arrived. As a consequence, the pictures will not be able to be delivered by Easter Day, as we had hoped. A few days before the time to leave for Rwanda, Kenneth Ezra got sick with the flu. He is still willing to take the package of pictures, with JESUS IS ALIVE AND KNOWS YOUR NAME translated into Kinyarwandan, on another weekend. As we looked to the Father about this, Silvana saw a vision of the pictures: she saw them in Kenneth's hand, and he held them out to someone. Then she saw a plant shoot up from the picture, as though vines were climbing, and it grew instantly, and there was a tree. The pictures are called "seeds", and the Father is showing that the seeds will bear fruit, and it will be swift and it will be supernatural. So, we ask you brothers and sisters, to please continue to stand and pray for the pictures being delivered to Rwanda and pray for each of us who has been sick.

The opposition of the enemy is real. The help of Jesus is real. A great battle rages over the whole earth. But what is our suffering compared to that of those gathered in the great crowd of people who have been murdered, and what is our suffering compared to Jesus? May we honor them, and honor Jesus, by our continued service to a God who gave everything, including His life, for us.

God bless you all, who love Jesus. Pray for us and for Operation: Jesus Pictures. We have many wonderful testimonies to share of pictures of Jesus that we have shared with others. We gave 1200 pictures with 1200 tracts (Jesus is Alive and Knows Your Name in English and in Spanish) to the people walking a pilgrimage on Good Friday in New Mexico: The walk to Chimayo. If we get any pictures of the walk, we will post them online.

The Holy Spirit says, "Rent, buy, borrow, watch THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. Each person should watch it alone, just them and Jesus, and each person should show it to others." As was said by Pope John Paul II, "It is as it was". As we see the gathering of the murdered, and we see the Father's heart for them, let us watch the murder of Jesus, as portrayed in this anointed movie, and love Him, and talk to Him, and lay down our lives for Him in response to the war raging around us, and in response to His love for us.

With love in Jesus,

Char Tierney

Sunday, April 16, 2006



Today is the day before Easter, which the Father has called: THE DAY OF THE MURDERED. Today the Father showed me a vision of Himself. This is what I saw.

First I saw the Appian Way in Rome, which is a long paved road that goes back before Jesus came to the earth. At one time, slaves revolted against Rome and were captured, and the Romans crucified between 4,000 to 6,000 of them along the Appian way, leaving them there to rot. But I saw them alive, walking to the gathering of the murdered. I saw the vast numbers of all the murdered over time, walking toward an immense gathering.

I saw the Holocaust victims, I saw the whole village of the Kurdish people that Saddam Hussein killed with chemical weapons, which was around 5,000 men women and children, I saw those murdered in April 1994, the genocide in Rwanda, where almost a million people were murdered in 100 days, I saw Abel, who was killed by his own brother, Cain, and I saw many many others. Abel, the first person murdered on this earth, was standing by a portal, to receive the murdered who come from the earth. I saw the last person murdered on earth, and they are still coming, for they are still being murdered. I saw individuals all across time and place and cultures and races. All have been murdered. It is a vast, vast gathering.

Then I saw the Father, dressed in the same white garb as they, walking towards them. I knew in the Spirit that Jesus was in the Father, just as He has expressed before, that Jesus is His heart. There were two huge angel servants on either side of the Father. They were not Gabriel and Michael, they were servants of the Father who stay with Him, who serve Him with love. In the hands of each of the two angels was an immense stone bowl. I knew that the two bowls were made of stone because I saw them glittering like granite with quartz crystal. As the Father and the two angels with the bowls neared the gathering of the murdered, it parted to let the Father pass.

The Father and the angels reached the head of those gathered and turned to face them.

There were the murdered, silent, looking at the Father, and there was the Father looking back at them. He took His right hand and reached into the bowl of the angel on His left and then He stretched His arm back behind Himself, then swept His hand over all in the company of the murdered, and sprinkled them with the substance from the first bowl. He did the same with the bowl that was held by the angel to the right of Him.

I saw what was in the bowls.

In the first bowl was the blood of Jesus. In the second bowl was the water in which Jesus was baptized.

As I saw this most moving sight, I wept to see how many there are that have suffered murder. And yet I rejoiced to see them freed by the Father, who counted Himself among them. His own heart was murdered on the cross. Thank You, Father, for showing us your Heart in this time of Easter, a time to remember that all life passes through death into Your Presence, because of Jesus who gave Himself freely to be murdered, and to rise from death, to make the way for all of us to come to You.

In Jesus' mighty Name,

Silvana Lupetti
Prophet of the Father in the United States
April 15, 2006