The Holy Spirit has been showing us about following Him, and moving like the wind. He showed us that you cannot be in the flesh, or you cannot keep up with Him. He moves like the wind, and in order to move like the wind, you must be in the Spirit. Our spirits are able to fly. Our spirits are able to soar and move swiftly, but our flesh, and our minds and our feelings, keep us slow and unable to keep up with Him.
Therese and I were talking this morning about moving with the Holy Spirit, and about all He is showing to us, and she said, "I told the Father, I want to serve Him with Felicia and Nikki, as though we were three angels; loving Him and doing His will". Suddenly I saw Therese as though she was an angel. She was large, like an angel strongman, and she spread her wings, and they glistened with iridescent colors. They were beautiful. He is enabling us to serve Him, just as we want to do.
I commented in one of the audio blogs last night that Satan is jealous of us and of our position with the Father, of us seeing what the Father sees, going where He goes. We will move with the Father, as we follow the Holy Spirit, and He will lead us to freedom all over the world, and to relationships with Him, one after another after another, until all on earth knows Him. We know that soon will come the Wedding Feast, where we who are loving Jesus, serving Jesus, and learning from Jesus will unite with Him, but then after the great feast we will come back to the earth, to help people here. In the meantime, we can follow the Holy Spirit, because it is not the physical body that matters, but what was created by God in our spirits. We are able to hear our God. We are able to do His will. Jesus looked to the Father every moment of every day, and did His will, and we can do the same, though we were born into bodies of sin.
Silvana had a dream about a baby. The baby was under a large pile of rubble. She said that everyone said that the baby was dead, but then she saw the baby's fingers twitch. People helped her to take the rubble off the baby and then they gave the baby intravenous fluids and it came back to strength.
This morning I was talking to Felicia on the phone and we were waiting on the Father together. We were asking Him about something specific and we were also waiting on Him for anything He wanted to say. I saw the Father with plans spread out in front of Him. Then, He picked us something which looked like a newspaper. He read it through quickly, scanning every page. He read it all in a flash and folded the newspaper and put it in His pocket. Then, He stood up, with boots on, and started to walk off. This is what I see about the vision: The plans are what the Father is doing, all over the world. He is bringing the world to fredom. He is returning people to Jesus, etc. The newspaper represents what is happening in the world today. It is the day's stories. The Father standing up, with boots on, represents Him going to to act on what was in the newspapers. His plans encompass all that happens. He will return the earth to Himself. His will shall be done on earth. People will come to Jesus. Nations will be freed. This vision is a good example for all of us. We have an overall plan: which is to do the will of God until Jesus returns for us. It is reach others with Jesus. It is to make pictures of Jesus and give them all over the world, and share THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST with people. We have the plan, and then, we look at what is happening around us, whether it be in the nation, or in the world, or in our neighborhood, and we act on those events. We pray for our neighbors that we meet in the stores, we pray for our cities as we watch the local news. We pray for our nation, and for all nations as we watch the national news. Father, help us to do Your will, as lovingly and as effectively as You would do so, Father. Let us be responsive to Your Holy Spirit. Teach us more and more to leave our flesh and our sin, so we can move quickly as the Holy Spirit leads. Lead us to the dying, to those in despair, to those who need You the most, to the fearful, and and hurting, and let us be ready, with words on our lips from You, and pictures of Jesus to give out.