Wednesday, February 02, 2005

A rock for Iraq before Jesus


A rock for Iraq (with Liberty Bell on top) before Jesus. 

Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Greetings in Jesus' name, On June 1st, 2004, we sent a post talking about praying for Iraq for thirty days. The post is called "Pray For Iraq" and it starts out: Greetings in Jesus, our Savior. The Father said today to pray for Iraq every day this month. Every time Iraq comes into your mind, pray for them. Today (June 1st, 2004) is the first day in a countdown to freedom. On June 30 the Iraqi Governing Council will assume control of the country, with support from the Coalition of the Willing Nations (led by America). Pray for Iraq. The Father spoke about this turnover of power. He said that He will move supernaturally in the spirit of the men and women in that region on June 30th, as He brings freedom to them. They have not had a history of freedom, but He will breathe into them, and He will help them to stand. The enemy will oppose this fiercely, as he is already doing. However, the change in mans' spirit will come and it will be deep and permanent. The Father will not be turned aside as He prepares the world for the return of His Son.
FREEDOM IS ON THE MARCH! As we were in the Spirit, watching television coverage of the Iraqi election, Char Tierney saw the Father step into Iraq. Immediately, she saw Him leaning over an old woman, helping her to a polling site. He put His arm around others, and walked with them as they went down the streets to go to vote. He mingled with the people, breathing on them and supporting them as they courageously acted for freedom's sake. Later in the day, as they rejoiced and danced, I saw Him, dancing also. (We shouldn't be surprised: The Father said that King David is 'a man after My heart', and David danced for joy before Him. The Father loves us and created us in His image.)
Tomorrow, in President Bush's State of the Union Address, the Father will define the life-changing event we all just witnessed, and He will lay out the way ahead. The war on terror has become the war between Freedom and Tyranny. The Father breathed into the Iraqi people, He calls them to freedom, and He will continue to stand with them, and with the whole world, as Satan opposes us in future days. Stand firm, for in the end, the Father will rescue us all from the enemy's hand, and Jesus will return. Earlier today the Father was speaking of the historic Iraqi elections to His prophet in the United States, Silvana Lupetti. She saw His angels who accompany Him wherever He goes. In Iraq these angels sang a song, and the words to the song still echo down the streets: "though all hell assail us, we will not be moved". (Click here for Words to song: WE SHALL NOT BE MOVED)
The following is what He showed Silvana:

"Give me liberty or give me death"
January 30, 2005
As previously mentioned, the Father breathed out into the Iraqi people on June 30th 2004, and they in turn, on January 30th, 2005, seven months to the day later, breathed in freedom. Then they had to choose: fear or freedom. With so much fear, and so many threats against them if they dared vote, and so many memories of violence and brutal death in their background, freedom was long ago buried. The Father's breath awoke in them a desire for freedom. As the elections arrived, all eyes were on them; the eyes of the enemy and the eyes of the world. On that day, they walked out of their doors, reaching for freedom. As they did, they invoked the call of "give me liberty or give me death". (Click here for 'give me liberty' speech by American Patrick Henry.)

The test
January 31, 2005
The next day was a day of assessment. The enemy came to discourage, to steal and rob, and to tell the Iraqis and the world that we didn't see what we saw with our own eyes. We were tempted to believe this lie, and the Iraqi people were tested. Would they stay on the side of freedom? The whole world was tempted by the enemy to say that what had happened was not important or meaningful, but this has failed. The world saw courage and most honor it.

We the people
February 1, 2005
The third day now has come. The Father calls the third day, "The day of WE THE PEOPLE". The Iraqis went to vote. They looked around at others voting with them, and they saw the faces of people united with them for freedom, and together they became "we the people". And we the people of the United States, and we the people of the world, stand with the people of Iraq, linked together by 'give me liberty or give me death'. The enemy failed to rob us of the inspiration and courage we saw, and to rob us of the vision of liberty which is laid out for the whole world. As we move towards the freedom that the Father wants, the enemy moves towards bondage. He is less free and closer to his capture. His end is certain and draws nearer day by day. The Father's gift is freedom for the world. May the world receive His gift.
Silvana Lupetti
Prophet of the Father in the United States
February 1, 2005