Saturday, October 28, 2006


From the King
For the King

We wished to send some small gifts to Pastor Jean and his wife Beathy and to their children and church for Christmas. We want the people in Rwanda to know that we love them and that we want to share with them this year the honoring of Jesus at Christmas. The more we talked about it, the more the Father began to show us that this idea is from Him. We met with Pastor Jean in Yahoo Messenger, as we do each week, and we talked about what would be needed for he and his wife and church members to have a feast at Christmas for the whole church. He told us that $236 would be a low figure to provide enough food and that $400 would be a high figure to provide the food for all. We immediately looked to Jesus and He said He will provide, so we committed to the highest figure. While we were talking about it, I saw Jesus at a feast, lounging on His side, as though He were laying down to eat.

After we talked about the feast, we wanted to order the small presents but we didn't have the money. We looked at a few things on the internet but we had to wait. A few nights later, Jesus said, "I will provide. Go ahead and order" so we bid on some items on ebay. The very next day we got the money to pay for them! Click here to see the pictures of what we bought on ebay to send to Pastor Jean's wife Beathy to distribute to guests at the feast.

You are invited to join us in celebrating this Christmas feast with Rwanda!! There are two things that you can do. One is to buy gifts for the Rwandans and send them to Pastor Jean for his wife to include with the gifts that she will be distributing to the guests at the feast. There are over 50 children in the church and 150 adults, and they might have more guests who come to the church on this day. Contact us for the mailing address for Jean and Beathy if you wish to send presents. The second thing that we are going to do is to have the same meal that Pastor Jean told us they will have at the feast. Here at OJP in the USA, we are planning to have beef and rice on Christmas, with desserts made from fruit. Please join us by having a side dish of rice and beef, prepared however you like, and then think of Pastor Jean and his church on that day, and pray for them and for all of Rwanda.

The prophet of the Father in the United States, Silvana Lupetti, was speaking in the Spirit today about Rwanda. She said that the Father is coming to move in Rwanda, to bring healing in body and spirit for adults and for children. As we were talking about this, the Father said to Silvana, "A King's feast for Rwanda: from the King, for the King", and that is exactly right. He is the King that we honor. He is the King providing the feast. The Father said that after the feast is over, He will remain in Rwanda to help them lift up Jesus.

Our sister Felicia commented on what she heard from the Holy Spirit as we talked of sending gifts for Christmas. She said that the Holy Spirit said that He "will take the box Himself". When she told me what the Holy Spirit said, I saw Him going towards Rwanda carrying a big box, with angels all around Him, almost dancing in their joy. There is joy because of the healing that is coming to those whom the Father loves so deeply.

Yesterday, I was praying for Rwanda and I saw the Father with a Rwandan. He reached deep inside the person, and then put His hands gently under and around their heart. He gently cradled their heart in His hands, and I saw healing in His hands. The enemy destroys. The Father heals with eternal love springing from His own heart.

One thing we are praying for is a digital camera to give to Pastor Jean so he will be able to take pictures of the feast, and afterwards, to take photos wherever he goes out with the pictures of Jesus. (Click here to see photos from October 15, 2006, when Pastor Jean gave out pictures of Jesus at a church he visited in Rwanda.)

Pastor Jean also told us that he gave pictures of Jesus to an associate pastor from one of the cities that is mentioned in the Father's Plan For Rwanda. The name of the city is Byumba.

Monday, October 23, 2006

A beautiful letter from Beathy

We wanted to share with you a beautiful letter that we received today from Pastor Jean's wife, Beathy. When we were packing a recent box of pictures of Jesus to send to Pastor Jean, we wanted to include a dress for Ruth, a few small toys for his children, and other little gifts for the family. As we looked around for what we could include in the box, I found a birthday card that had been sent to me, which plays Happy Birthday when you open it. It seemed like the perfect small gift to include for the sake of the children, and you can see by the email below that they really did like it. How great is our God, that the Holy Spirit cares even about the joy of children!

Hello Char! This message is from Beathy, To my dearest that I love so much, Char Tierney. How are you? For me, I am fine. First of all, I praise the Lord because He made us to meet and to know each other and now we became friends and sisters. I tell you: I love you very much!!!I thank you very much!!!! How you take care of us and how you do every thing to help us. It is beyond my understandings! It was a great surprise for me! I do not know how to give you my thanks! Only I pray the Lord during day and night for Him to give you all kinds of his blessings following to all you are doing for us!Indeed, we are very glad, and grateful. Me and children take this opportunity to thank you. For children, they are joyful with the musical card and their small cars! When they opened the card they began dancing! Till now when they open they dance again! They dance and sing:( Here is such melody on the radio when people wish to their friends a nice birthday! The song is in our mother tongue:Ugire umunsi mwizaa! Kuri uyu munsi wavutseho! Ugire umunsi mwiza kuri iyi taliki wavutseho....means have a nice day! on this day you were born! Have a nice day on this date you were born ... My children interpret this song and dance. The song in kinyarwanda has exactly the same melody like this you sent! I tell you also that they are very joyful with their cars while driving on the floor! I am very happy with them!Char, I am very thankful for all you sent to me: Every thing is nice! So, today I wrote this letter to you and I hope my husband will send it to you. I was, and I still am surprised. It is the 1st time in my life to see a good person, full of love! merciful and very compassionate! You washed all my tears! For your love and hepful heart I shall never forget you! May God protect you! Yours, Beathy

Picture of Beathy:
Picture of Ruth in outfit we sent:
Pictures at church where Jean brought Jesus' pictures: (click the 'next arrow' to see more photos:

Sunday, October 22, 2006

French police face 'permanent intifada'

In the news today: French police face 'permanent intifada':;_ylt=AsZKaS101UcExUSM87smkrVvaA8F;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ

Here are a few paragraphs from the news story: On Sunday, a band of about 30 youths, some wearing masks, forced passengers out of a bus in a southern Paris suburb in broad daylight Sunday, set it on fire, then stoned firefighters who came to the rescue, police said. No one was injured. Two people were arrested, one of them a 13-year-old, according to LCI television....
Michel Thooris, head of the small Action Police union, claims that the new violence is taking on an Islamic fundamentalist tinge. "Many youths, many arsonists, many vandals behind the violence do it to cries of 'Allah Akbar' (God is Great) when our police cars are stoned," he said in an interview.
This is clearly part of the fight I saw the other day in the dream about France. Keep praying for every nation.
The Father was showing me the other day about the fact that He could be evil. He opened a door and I saw into His Spirit and into the depth of Him. If He were to choose to be evil no one could stop Him. He said that it is His choice to love. Just as we are given freedom to choose Him, to choose good or evil, in the same way, He, by His own free choice, loves, and is good. After seeing what the Holy Spirit showed me, I thought, of course He has this potential. I just never thought deeply about it before. I almost take it for granted that He is good, that He is love because God is love. Yes God is love because God chooses to be love. And His love is real and eternal. It will never end, for He will never end.