Thursday, January 03, 2008

A resolution to support

One resolution that you can make for Jesus is to support OJP with that which they are doing for Jesus, such as supporting the children in Kigali, Rwanda, who cannot afford to attend public school. Pastor Jean and his church are going to provide classes, though they have very low resources. They are trusting Jesus to provide. Why not help Jesus answer their prayers?

The new school will open on January 11, 2008. Pastor Jean Miruho de Dieu is the School Administrator. OJP is a sponsor. They still need twelve desks for the remaining children to attend. Each desk costs $20 and holds three children. A total of around 65 children will attend. A lunch meal each day will be provided for the children. The school needs money for food, for notebooks, for a blackboard or dry erase boards, and many other needs.

Along with books, we have sent them dvds of children's shows, which will be very useful as the children learn to read and speak English. They really could use a good dvd projector so they could project the shows on the wall so the whole class can see them clearly. I have seen good dvd projectors on ebay for around $300. Why not donate a dvd projector to help these children for Jesus' sake? Donations of money for meals would be so welcome. Dry erase boards would be a wonderful tool for the school. A donation for the widow who lives in the church/school would be a good thing to give. This year, Pastor Jean needs a car so he can get around with the pictures of Jesus, and make it back to the school to supervise there as necessary. With this car, he could reach the 16 cities in Rwanda, where the Father wants to send 5000 pictures of Jesus to each city. A good used car in Rwanda costs about $6000.

We would like to purchase a million pictures of Jesus from our printer. This would cost about $8500. Pray for these needs. Make a resolution to act for Jesus' sake. ALL FOR JESUS IN JESUS' NAME, as the Holy Spirit says. Let us support the wonderful work that the Father is doing in Rwanda. Once the enemy roared through there with hate and murder. Now, let us join the Father, and His holy angels, to move there with love and support and healing giving our prayers and our donations, and any help that He calls us to give.


The Holy Spirit asked me, "What do you want to be doing when Jesus returns?" He meant physically, at that moment, what do I want to be doing?

Reader, what do you want to be doing? Where were you on 9/11? Where do you want to be when Jesus returns?

I want to be serving Him. I want to be giving a picture of Jesus, I want to be teaching of knowing Him, I want to be standing against Satan and his lies. I want to be in the presence of the Father, waiting on Him. I want to be doing the will of the Holy Spirit, whatever He wants me to be doing, at that very moment.

The Holy Spirit said, "then do everything you can to be found doing that".

Later, Jesus commented to me about a "new year's resolutions". At first, I was a little surprised because that idea seems to come from the world. But Jesus showed me, look and see what would keep you from being found acting to carry out the will of the Holy Spirit. Is it your health? Do you need to eat better? Exercise more? Do you need to avoid procrastinating? Whatever you need to do, to follow instantly the Holy Spirit as he leads, then make a resolution to Me and I will give you the power to carry it out. You make the resolution with all your heart, and the supernatural power to act will come from Me.

In light of this message from the Holy Spirit, I urge you to seriously seek the Father, realizing that He is saying, "where do you want to be when Jesus returns" (what can this mean but that it is close - now is the time to act) and then make a resolution to Him concerning yourself, and He will help you to overcome any obstacle that stops you through your resolution to do His will.

The Father said that all the lights we put up (more than ever before out in our yards) represented something from Him. He said that all the lights, all the electricity, represents POWER. Power to carry out resolutions for Jesus' sake, power to follow the leadings of the Holy Spirit, power to stand against our relentless enemy, power to see Jesus, power to hear Him, power to connect with our Creator as never before. Power for strongmen to fall, power for lives to change, power for Jesus to be lifted up world-wide.