Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Praying for Maria

Therese, Jordan, Nikki and her son Neeko, and I all went to pray for Maria on Monday. We took some 8x10 pictures of Jesus, plus smaller pictures. We asked Maria how she has been feeling physically and she said that she is tired often and spends most of her time resting in bed. She said her doctors had discontinued chemotherapy because it was destroying too many cells, good and bad. After we gave her the pictures, Nikki and Therese and I laid our hands on her and started to ask the Father to heal her. We asked Him to reverse the process that was happening in her body. She has many cancer cells spreading all over her body and we asked Him to spread many, many healthy cells all throughout her body, and for health and strength and energy. After we were praying for just a moment, I called to Jordan to come and join us and lay hands on Maria with us and pray for her. Jordan came and stood by us and laid his hand on Maria's arm and started to pray for her. Maria told us a few moments later that when Jordan put his hand on her arm that she felt warmth go into her body through his hand and spread all through her body and that she felt the Holy Spirit, so we told her that the Holy Spirit had told us that Jordan has the gift of healing, and we told her about some people who have been healed in the past when Jordan prayed for them, such as the 17 month old boy whose bones were fusing together in his head, until Jesus healed him. (When the puzzled doctor showed the boy's parents the results from two different MRIs taken before and after praying for the child, the doctors said, "We don't know what happened. We cannot explain this." The father leapt out of his chair and shouted, "I know what happened! It was Jesus!" He called us later in tears to tell us that Jesus had healed his son.)

Today Nikki spoke with Maria on the phone. Maria told Nicole that she felt so much better yesterday then she has in a long, long time so she went over to a friend's house and cleaned their whole house in anticipation of a visit from a relative! Tomorrow she goes back to the doctor to take some more bloodwork tests. We are looking forward with joy and hope to see what Jesus has planned for Maria. How much He loves her! Whether He heals her or not, He is her Friend who cares deeply about her and all that comes to her in her life. We told her when we gave His anointed pictures that Jesus will talk to her and will show His presence by the Holy Spirit and that she will begin to hear His voice more and more. The loving relationship that deepens between them will be eternal, from this life in her natural body to her life in eternity. By Jesus' stripes we are healed, and by His love we are brought close to Him. Thank you to all our brothers and sisters who joined us in praying for Maria.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Pray for Maria

Today we are going to pray for Maria, who was told she has three months to live because of cancer found in her body. The Father told us to go and give some pictures of Jesus to her and to lay hands on her and pray for her, so we are going at 1:00 PM, our time, which is 3:00 PM EST. Join us in praying for healing in Jesus' name for Maria.