The Father has opened many doors for us to send packages of Jesus all over the world, especially into Rwanda and the surrounding area where Rwandan Refugees fled during the horrific genocide of 1994. We are getting together 14 packages to mail out this week and next week: (We have six finished, one more we expect to finish today, and the other seven we will finish next week.)
1. Raton, New Mexico, USA - this is the town we visited in the RV last year when the Father showed the two roads: we are sending 2000 pictures of Jesus and 10 dvds THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, "Jesus is Alive and Knows Your Name" in English and Spanish.
2. Prison Chaplain in West Virginia, USA - 1300 pictures of Jesus, "Jesus is Alive and Knows Your Name".
3. Kenneth Ezra in Uganda - 5000 pictures of Jesus plus THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, Swahili copies of "Jesus is Alive and Knows Your Name".
4. Linda: Councilor at an upcoming Franklin Graham (Billy Graham's son) crusade: 2000 pictures of Jesus, "Jesus is Alive and Knows Your Name".
5. Brother Joseph in Ghana - Hooked on Phonics and Hooked on Math for their children who are not in school, 230 pictures of Jesus, Ewe (African language spoken in Ghana, Benin, and Togo) "Jesus is Alive and Knows Your Name".
6. 73 year old Marjorie in New Mexico who came across a copy of JESUS IS ALIVE AND KNOWS YOUR NAME and read it and wants to share it with many others. We sent her copies of the writing (tract form) and 250 pictures of Jesus.
7. Pastor Jean in Rwanda: he travels around in Rwanda and in neighboring Congo. 5000 pictures of Jesus, 10 PASSION OF THE CHRIST, Kinyarwandan and Swahili tracts: JESUS IS ALIVE. Pastor Jean is also translating JESUS IS ALIVE into French, which is widely spoken in the area.
8. Brother Arakelian in Armenia. 5000 pictures of Jesus. 10 THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. Armenia is the site of the first genocide in the 20th century. 1.5 million people were murdered. It was during WWI and it was widely ignored by the world, and is barely acknowledged to this day. God bless Armenia, our brothers and sisters who have suffered so greatly.
9. Brother Nelson in Pakistan: 5000 pictures of Jesus. 8x10 one color pictures of Jesus with Urdu writing on the back. I am hoping that Brother Nelson can send me the entire JESUS IS ALIVE translation in Urdu so I can put it on the back of each 8x10 picture.
10. Rwanda: the head of an organization which is over schools in Rwanda. 5000 pictures of Jesus and 10 THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. Kinyarwandan tracts.
11. Tanzania: 500 pictures of Jesus and Swahili tracts, plus THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST.
12. Bulgaria: 500 pictures of Jesus and English JESUS IS ALIVE, plus THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST.
13. Botswana: African pastor in Botswana: 2000 pictures of Jesus, Swahili tracts and THE PASSION.
14. Marie-Christine: 1000 pictures of Jesus, Swahili tracts. Marie-Christine is a Rwandan refugee living in London, England, who has contacts with other refugees. She is a survivor of the 1994 genocide. She and her (then) three year old daughter were able to escape to England after being rejected by four other nations.
- a request from Uzbekistan for more pictures. We want to send him 2500 to share with others in his nation. What an opportunity for Jesus!
- a request from a schoolboy in Ghana who wants to share "the gospel of God" with everyone, and has many other students asking for pictures. We would like to send him several hundreds and Ewe tracts, plus THE PASSION.
- other requests already in our inbox, plus calls, such as the sixteen year old girl from Ohio who wants pictures for herself and her mother, letters which come in the mail: we have some letters from prisoners in US jails, plus any new requests which come in during the week.
We work on these packages with joy! How lovely on the mountains are the feet of them who bring good news, and Jesus is the good news. Miracles have happened after people received these anointed pictures of Jesus, because He is present, to heal, to help, and above all, to love.
1. Raton, New Mexico, USA - this is the town we visited in the RV last year when the Father showed the two roads: we are sending 2000 pictures of Jesus and 10 dvds THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, "Jesus is Alive and Knows Your Name" in English and Spanish.
2. Prison Chaplain in West Virginia, USA - 1300 pictures of Jesus, "Jesus is Alive and Knows Your Name".
3. Kenneth Ezra in Uganda - 5000 pictures of Jesus plus THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, Swahili copies of "Jesus is Alive and Knows Your Name".
4. Linda: Councilor at an upcoming Franklin Graham (Billy Graham's son) crusade: 2000 pictures of Jesus, "Jesus is Alive and Knows Your Name".
5. Brother Joseph in Ghana - Hooked on Phonics and Hooked on Math for their children who are not in school, 230 pictures of Jesus, Ewe (African language spoken in Ghana, Benin, and Togo) "Jesus is Alive and Knows Your Name".
6. 73 year old Marjorie in New Mexico who came across a copy of JESUS IS ALIVE AND KNOWS YOUR NAME and read it and wants to share it with many others. We sent her copies of the writing (tract form) and 250 pictures of Jesus.
7. Pastor Jean in Rwanda: he travels around in Rwanda and in neighboring Congo. 5000 pictures of Jesus, 10 PASSION OF THE CHRIST, Kinyarwandan and Swahili tracts: JESUS IS ALIVE. Pastor Jean is also translating JESUS IS ALIVE into French, which is widely spoken in the area.
8. Brother Arakelian in Armenia. 5000 pictures of Jesus. 10 THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. Armenia is the site of the first genocide in the 20th century. 1.5 million people were murdered. It was during WWI and it was widely ignored by the world, and is barely acknowledged to this day. God bless Armenia, our brothers and sisters who have suffered so greatly.
9. Brother Nelson in Pakistan: 5000 pictures of Jesus. 8x10 one color pictures of Jesus with Urdu writing on the back. I am hoping that Brother Nelson can send me the entire JESUS IS ALIVE translation in Urdu so I can put it on the back of each 8x10 picture.
10. Rwanda: the head of an organization which is over schools in Rwanda. 5000 pictures of Jesus and 10 THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. Kinyarwandan tracts.
11. Tanzania: 500 pictures of Jesus and Swahili tracts, plus THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST.
12. Bulgaria: 500 pictures of Jesus and English JESUS IS ALIVE, plus THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST.
13. Botswana: African pastor in Botswana: 2000 pictures of Jesus, Swahili tracts and THE PASSION.
14. Marie-Christine: 1000 pictures of Jesus, Swahili tracts. Marie-Christine is a Rwandan refugee living in London, England, who has contacts with other refugees. She is a survivor of the 1994 genocide. She and her (then) three year old daughter were able to escape to England after being rejected by four other nations.
- a request from Uzbekistan for more pictures. We want to send him 2500 to share with others in his nation. What an opportunity for Jesus!
- a request from a schoolboy in Ghana who wants to share "the gospel of God" with everyone, and has many other students asking for pictures. We would like to send him several hundreds and Ewe tracts, plus THE PASSION.
- other requests already in our inbox, plus calls, such as the sixteen year old girl from Ohio who wants pictures for herself and her mother, letters which come in the mail: we have some letters from prisoners in US jails, plus any new requests which come in during the week.
We work on these packages with joy! How lovely on the mountains are the feet of them who bring good news, and Jesus is the good news. Miracles have happened after people received these anointed pictures of Jesus, because He is present, to heal, to help, and above all, to love.