Saturday, December 30, 2006

End of Saddam, coming end of Satan

On the day after Christmas, Silvana, Therese, Felicia, and I, took some of the Passion Fruit and waited before the Father. We prayed for the believers in the days ahead. All the spiritual realm was listening as we cried out that Jesus Christ is Lord. As we asked the Father to kill Satan, to capture him, I saw angels outside. I saw that they also want an end to this terrible being, who has brought such great harm. Suddenly, I saw the angels standing over a body bag, that was blood red. It was blood red because it holds the remains of one who has shed much blood.
When Saddam Hussein was captured by American forces, the Holy Spirit said that it was a forerunner of the capture of Satan. When I heard today that Saddam would be killed in a few hours, the Holy Spirit showed me that the body bag was for Saddam, but it is a warning to Satan, because his end is sure, and it is approaching swiftly.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Gifts from Jesus at Christmas

Jesus did some wonderful things for us personally for Christmas. Since we were using our money, and the money from other believers who support OJP, for the feast in Rwanda and in Ghana, we decided not to buy presents for one another. However, Silvana said she regretted not being able to buy Doug some cigars for Christmas, since he always works so hard and so faithfully with Prestige Carpet Care. However, what was happening in Rwanda and Ghana is so great, that we were a little disappointed, but we rejoiced in Jesus. Christmas Day came and Doug received gifts from various people, and everyone gave him cigars! Jesus is kind!

The second thing that Jesus did for us was also personal. About three weeks ago, Silvana and I were talking about the fact that we would like to get something colorful to hang in our bay windows. We decided that we couldn't do it now, because of the Christmas feasts, but we said we would look for something after the Christmas season, when we might have a few dollars to spare. Our neighbor, Rick, and his wife Tammy, gave us two beautiful stained glass window hangers for Christmas! It is exactly what we wanted to get, and again, we know that Jesus provided them with love. Rick and Tammy said that they were in Bibles Plus looking for a present for us and they didn't know what to get, and then they saw the stained glass hummingbirds and they seemed perfect. Thank you, Jesus, and thank you Rick and Tammy, who have been good neighbors for many years.

The third thing that Jesus did was to give a present to us, that lifted our hearts. As we were providing for the feasts, and for the salary for Jean (we really need to help him with the fees that they charged him to pick up the boxes of presents and pictures of Jesus. $166 USD! Pastor Jean borrowed the money from another pastor, rather than use the money for the feast that he had already received. God bless him for his faithfulness.) I was concerned because we had not made a payment to Mark, our wonderful printer, for some time. He is patient and supportive in every way, but here it was Christmas and he needed money, just as we all do. But thank you to Robert and Rusty and Corinne and Mary! we were able to make a $300 payment to Mark, just in time for Christmas. I consider this a personal present to me from Jesus, and I am thankful to Him and to everyone who participated in caring for the needs of OJP.

Another thing that Jesus did: Therese's daughter, Emily, told people at her work about Brother Joseph and the Believers Ministry in Ghana and about helping the people in Rwanda (Emily faithfully strings pictures of Jesus for us) and her manager offered to give us clothes for them, especially for Joseph and those with them, who have been refugees from Togo, and are in need. She gave us about eight large bags of clothes! We opened some of the bags and sorted it, and later I was telling Therese, "if we can get some money, I would like to buy some underwear for the boys there. It is always nice to have a new supply". On Christmas Day I opened the rest of the bags and there is over 25 pairs of boys underwear in perfect condition! Thank you, Jesus! We love you and your kind heart. We hope to mail these clothes in January.
Jesus is like this all year long. He so often answers what is on our heart, things we have not even expressed to Him in words. What a wonderful Savior we have to offer to the world.

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Birthday, Jesus

Merry Christmas to all and Happy Birthday to Jesus, our Bridegroom!
We thought we would give a reminder of what we are having for the King's Feast tomorrow on Christmas Day:

- beef
- macaroni
- rice
- desserts made from fruit
- fruit juice
- soda (we are having Sprite because that is Pastor Jean's favorite)
- Passion Fruit Juice

I was speaking with Pastor Jean in Messenger yesterday and he told me that they plan to have a juice called Maracuja to drink at their feast in Kigali, Rwanda. Jean said, "It is the king of juices". Well, of course we wanted the king of juices for the feast for the king, so Silvana looked it up on the internet. Another name for Maracuja is Passion Fruit, so we also bought some Passion Fruit Juice to have on Christmas, to honor Jesus and the Passion of the Christ, which is the gospel being illustrated all over the world, which Pastor Jean has been distributing throughout Rwanda.
Please join us by having at least one of the foods mentioned above on Christmas Day, and fellowship with us in Spirit, for the sake of Jesus. So far, we have people joining us from Rwanda, Ghana, United Arab Emirates, New Mexico, Hawaii, Texas, Virginia, Tennessee, Florida, and California. The Father has promised to come to the feast of each of us, by His powerful Holy Spirit. May Jesus be honored and lifted high this year!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The shepherd's message

Daily Manna from the 'Net - Friday, December 22, 2006

Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.' When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, 'Let's go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.' So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. Luke 2:13-18 TNIV Bible

A few days ago, the prophet Silvana, was saying by the Holy Spirit, that the reason that the angels were sent first to the shepherds with the good news of Jesus' birth is because they represent pastors, teachers, those who will spread the message. The shepherds went to see and then they spread the good news, and pastors today should come to know Jesus, and then spread the good news of knowing Him to many others.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Year of transformation

I was just looking at some notes I made as we were talking about the dream of the bloodless heart, and I noticed that I had written, "the American church" when speaking of the church being without blood, but I forgot to put that in the interpretation from the Holy Spirit. The notes I made at the time will be accurate, because they are based on what the Holy Spirit was showing as we talked about the dream. What a shame! They think they are rich but they are poor. They need eye salve to take away their blindness so they can see how they dishonor their Savior by their insistence on focusing always on self. He came and died for us, not for Himself.
The Holy Spirit was talking today about following His leading, and not lagging behind because of our own flesh, or our own thoughts. He wants to lead us. He does not want to engage in babying us, as we focus only on self, but He wants to turn our steps towards His plans and His works. We should not be little children (except in our innocent love for one another) but we need to come to maturity so we can carry out His will effectively. We need to be quick to hear and quick to act, and to look to Him, day by day, hour by hour.
The Father's prophet, Silvana Lupetti, said at the beginning of 2006 that it would be "a year of transformation" and we can see how this was fulfilled, as there were many changes this year for OJP.
- We posted a new, transformed website for OPERATION: JESUS PICTURES online
- We had the writing JESUS IS ALIVE AND KNOWS YOUR NAME translated into Arabic, Spanish, Swahili, Kinyarwandan, and French, to add to the English, Ewe, and Urdu translations, so this vital message from the Holy Spirit can be spread to many people in their own language.
- The Father talked about the Gathering of the Murdered in the heavenlies and pictures of Jesus were taken into Rwanda at Easter time.
- The Father gave a plan for giving pictures of Jesus in Rwanda called, The Four Corners of Rwanda
- Pictures of Jesus are being distributed by OJP in Rwanda, which is headed by Pastor Miruho Jean de Dieu and his wife Beathy
- Pictures of Jesus are being given in Ghana by OJP in Ghana, which is headed by Brother Joseph Robert and the Believer's Ministry
- We went from printing pictures of Jesus ourselves to having them done by a printer. We have finished three printings: one for 90,000 pictures, and two for 105,000 each.
The Father has called this year a "year of expansion" so we look forward to seeing His will being carried out in a greater manner. Thank you, Father. May Jesus be lifted up all over the earth!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Dream of bloodless heart and the bones of James

Dream of bloodless heart

I had a dream from the Holy Spirit. I was standing outside on a street, looking around the world. I saw people in a bus going by. I saw restaurants and stores and streets and buildings and people. A woman who is a believer in Jesus came and gave me an object, that was large and round and had three tube-like things coming off of it. The color of my of the object was something near to antique white. I saw the Father's prophet, Silvana, in the dream and she was angry about the object and I heard her speaking about it with passion.

I looked down a street and saw a second believer come out of a building which has many books inside. She had a few books in her hands as she came out. She stepped out to the stoop of the building, and then out to the street, and looked over towards me.

In the third part of the dream I was with people from OPERATION: JESUS PICTURES. Several of us were sitting around a table. There was another believer who was getting ready to go to a prom and I was going to drive her. She was wearing a dark pink taffeta dress. She was stood back in uncertainty, but when I called her, she stepped forward to come towards us.

End of dream.

When I woke up, the Holy Spirit spoke of the dream, mostly through His prophet, Silvana. She said that in the dream the object brought to me was a heart. It was antique white because it was bloodless. It was totally drained of blood and had been so for some time, so it was very dry. The Holy Spirit said that this represents the heart of the church. No wonder a prophet was angry in the dream! Where is their love for Jesus, and their love for the world? They are in their own world, not caring about what is happening all around them, as war in the spirit and war in the natural realm rages. The believer who brought me the heart in the dream is someone who came out of the church, and who is grieved about their condition. This dream is a serious warning. There is judgment coming to the church, for their barrenness, just as surely as judgment came to Israel at times in the past.

The second believer, who came out of the building, represents believers leaving what they think, coming out to look into the world by the Holy Spirit, instead of relying on what has been taught to them in the past. This believer carried books, which represent what she believes. What she believes may or may not be true. We all have things we think that are true and other things we think that are not true, but if we can be led by the Holy Spirit, it won't matter if we are wrong or right about something, because He knows the truth in all things, and He will always lead us with perfect wisdom. She came out of the building, out of theories and doctrines, to see what is happening in the world, which is exactly what the Holy Spirit wants us to do.

The third believer who was going to a prom, represents the believers ready to go to the Wedding Feast. Her dark pink dress represents the good health she is in, because of Jesus' healing in her life. At one time she withdrew into her own problems, but she has learned to draw near to the Holy Spirit for what is on His mind, on His table, rather than staying with the narrow outlook found when one only thinks of self and what is happening to you and around you.

The bones of James

There was a news story in the last few months about the discovery of an ossuary containing the remains of James, the Brother of Jesus. I was thinking about these bones the other day, which I believe to truly be the remains of James, and I thought about the fact that when we are taken to the Wedding Feast, that the Holy Spirit will take our bodies, so they can be transformed into the glorified body that awaits those who are the Bride of Jesus. No matter what form our body is in, it will be taken and changed. This means that the bones will disappear out of that box. As I was thinking about this, the Holy Spirit said, "It is not the first time that someone has disappeared out of their midst", meaning the midst of the Jews, and He showed me Enoch, and Elijah, and Jesus, who all ascended into heaven, thus disappearing from the earth.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Read THE BEGINNING PRIMER on Silvana's Blog

I was reading the post on Silvana's blog called ALL THAT HE ASKS OF US. That post is like a primer, a beginning reader for Jesus' remnant. It sums up where things are in the spirit right now. It is vital to understand what is being said there, so we can go on with the Father in this war against Satan. Everyone should read this post and ponder it, as it lays a foundation upon which the Holy Spirit will build.
The post talks about the nature of our opponent, our enemy, who is Satan. He is murderous. This cannot be understood solely with the mind, with a shallow, cartoon outlook on Satan, but must be faced up to and realized with the help of the Holy Spirit. Silvana is right: prophets care. They care about the Father, they care about evil, they care about great suffering, and so must we. Are we Jesus' bride? Then, we will not turn our face away from suffering, nor from what the Holy Spirit wants to teach us. Are we truly His? Then, we will talk to the Father about these things, so we can be equiped to stand against the enemy and his ideas and his works and his nature. By leaving our own sin, our own selfishness our own putting ourself over others, we come against the nature of sin itself, which is Satan's nature. When we leave sin, we leave him. When we love the Father, and look to Him for wisdom and look to Him for His will, not our own, then we particpate in exhibiting the Father's love and His nature, as Job did when he praised God in the midst of the terrible things happening to him. As we continue to listen to the Holy Spirit, He will teach us and we need His teaching, we need His leading, for the days ahead.

Friday, December 08, 2006

OJP Banners

Yesterday Stephan's Sign Stop finished the banners that we had ordered for OJP in Rwanda and OJP in Ghana. We mailed the banner to Pastor Jean so they could have it to put up for the King's Feast on Christmas Day. Click on links to see a picture of the banners:
Tonight I was talking to two different people on the phone about the situations in their lives and both of them said the exact same thing in all sincerity, "I trust the Father". What beautiful statements of faith! I look forward to seeing what the Father does for each of them, because I know He is going to help them. He sees their faith in Him and He loves them.
Brother Joseph received the money for his rent and his electricty is now turned on. They received their package of Christmas gifts and they said that the children were happy with everything. Click here to read the email that he sent to us about this today.

Monday, December 04, 2006

OJP blog sites

We have posted two new blog sites so we can post information and letters from Brother Joseph in Ghana and Pastor Jean in Rwanda.

OJP in Ghana:

OJP in Rwanda:

The Father said that this coming year will be a year of expansion, so we look to see His provision and His leading, both in Ghana and in Rwanda, and in OJP in America, and all over the world.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Greetings to Rwanda

We mailed the second box of gifts today to Pastor Jean and his wife Beathy in Kigali. I thought you might like to listen to the audio greeting that we sent to Rwanda on a CD with their Christmas box, so I posted it in my gabcast audio message box. Scroll down to the right and click on link if you are interested to hear it. We are all looking forward to sharing the King's Feast together.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

More pictures of the gifts for Ghana

Heres are more pictures of the gifts for Ghana, which we mailed on November 28, 2006 by Express Mail.

Here are some pictures of the luminiarias in our front yards (the cross is behind a picture of Jesus, lit up by a floodlight. We will try to get a clear picture of the sign with Jesus' picture. There are luminarias in front of Jesus, and lights on the gate and the cross.) These lumanarias, which light the way for the Christ Child, and light the way to the Christmas service, are a sign of preparation for the return of Jesus. He really is coming back to the earth, says the Father, and it is near.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Blessings for Ghana and Rwanda

We are happy to say that today we mailed the package of Christmas presents to the children with the Believer's Ministry in Ghana. Here is a picture of some of the presents being sent: (Click on small picture to see larger picture.) Also today, Silvana's rebate check came and she is sending it all to Brother Joseph in Ghana by ikobo for the remainder of their rent, so they can have their electricity turned on. Electricity for Christmas and presents for the children. All for the King's Feast for Jesus!

We also mailed a package of 4000 pictures of Jesus to Brother Jean in Rwanda, and one of the two packages of presents for the children in Rwanda to Jean's wife Beathy. We will mail the second package later this week or early next week. We still have some presents that we want to purchase. We are asking Jesus for another $100 to buy some small presents at a local dollar store. Thank you to everyone who has participated in putting the packages together and has helped with paying for postage and gifts.

I was at the computer writing to Brother Joseph and waiting for Therese to call me telling me that she had made the deposit at the bank when the following letter came into our inbox from Joseph:

Greetings sister Char & all, Thanks so much for your last email. We continue in prayers everyday that the rebate check will arrive at your address soon! The landlord will be traveling early next month, and will not be back till January. We wish that we will have the money in hand as soon as possible, so that he can now help get the electricity for us before he travel. It is great joy to hear about the gifts for our children, they will be surprised to receive the gifts when it gets here. Already, we have planned how to make the feast this time, and possibly, we will try to take some pictures to be send to you after the Christmas. The shop that sells second-hands clothing and other shops are a bit far from our home. It takes about one hour and 30 minutes to get to the town and the internet cafe. It is quite difficult moving about with our bicycle, we pray that the Father will sometime bless us with a motor scooter. We will find out and let you know the prices of motor scooter, bicycle, and the current cost of children's shoes. Our farm is progressing, and it will not be too long when we will start harvesting some crops. The vegetables seeds you sent are growing very well!As usual, extend our greetings, love and thanks to your families and to the brethren there. We look forward to hear from you soon. Your brother, Joseph & the brethren here

So, we have sent the money for electricity, and the presents to Joseph and we are asking the Father for provision for a motor scooter for them. As the Father said, this year will be the year of expansion for OJP and you can see that He is laying the groundwork for it now, both in Rwanda and in Ghana. We want to get a vinyl banner for Pastor Jean to put up in the new house (that will have electricity) that we are praying to get in Kigali. It will have the OJP logo, but will say OPERATION: JESUS PICTURES in Rwanda. He and Beathy can have the banner on the wall and people will see it when they come to his house to watch THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, or to receive a free picture of Jesus.

I will be posting more pictures of the gifts sent to Ghana and of the luminarias.

Thursday, November 23, 2006


Here are the farolitas (luminarias) that we put out by our front patio for Christmas. This is a traditon in the southwest USA, and particularly in New Mexico. The Father told us to put these farolitas ("little lanterns") up on Thanksgiving Day, so we did. Some say that the farolitas light the way for the Christ Child and some say that they light the way to the Christmas Service. It is like the King's Feast on Christmas Day: a feast for the King, a feast from the King.

Here is a powerful video to honor Jesus for Christmas:

Sunday, November 19, 2006



The other day the Father reminded me that He had shown the prophet Silvana for the people in the Believer's Ministry to move from where they were in Ghana. She said by the Holy Spirit that demons were opposing them were they were and that they should move somewhere else. We told Joseph about it and asked him to ask the Father about it. Joseph and the people went to the Father and He showed them that it was from Him that they move and He showed them the farm. After He said that they should move, He provided the money to do so. Since then He is providing the money to pay the balance of the two year rent money, so the landlord will turn on the elctricity at the farm, and He has provided the money for their Christmas feast, something they have not had for several years becasue of hard circumstances. Also, one of the women among them needed maternity money for her unborn child. Jesus provided. The Father commented to me that Joseph trusted Him when Silvana saw from Him what they should do, and that since then He has blessed them. The Father said, "My will came first from OJP in America and then they trusted and acted. They trusted Me and believed Me and blessing has come because of it."

Jean in Rwanda trusted Him too, and now the Father has provided for him and is blessing him also. The Father's will is to expand what He is doing in the world. We trust Him and look to Him also for OJP.


"They can't throw Me out of office", said the Father to Silvana. She asked the angels what they would do about the recent elections. What did they think and what would they do? They answered her. They said, "We look ahead". They see what is coming from the Father and they do not despair. They are a good example for us.

The Father has been speaking of us going out in the RV. He called the RV, "a portable church". He wants to go outside the walls of the church, outside the walls of our own places, to reach out to the world. Wherever the church who loves Him, who hears Him, who obeys Him, goes, He goes too. He goes to lead, He goes to set up opportunities to reach out with Jesus.


It is so such a blessing to work together in OJP for the Father! Our service to Him, and His blood to cover us and to provide for all the world. Serious times lie ahead, but He will lead us and empower us to reach out to others. The Father's mind is full of ideas of how He can reach out to the world through us, and through all who are looking to Him, who can be led by His Spirit. What lies ahead for OJP is expansion.

We have been given the opportunity to give out free pictures to needy people who come to get a free turkey offered by a church in Albuquerque. The reason we got this wonderful opportunity is because Silvana saw a commercial on a local TV channel about their great turkey giveaway, and the Father said to call the church and talk to the pastor about giving pictures of Jesus to the people who came to get the free turkeys. The Pastor had seen the Shroud of Turin personally and he welcomed us to give out the free pictures.

So, last night, Therese and I, Nikki and Antonio, and Jordan and Neeko met together at the Sandia Church to give out free pictures of Jesus to the people who came for the turkey. First the people listened to a short message and then they went through a line in the parking lot, where we stood and offered the pictures to all. Everyone wanted them, and most took more to give out to friend and family. Even some of the church people took pictures of Jesus. One assistant pastor there had received several pictures from us one time when we met in a restaurant and he said he had given them all out. One women wanted to pass them out to homeless people on the street so we gave her extra pictures. We gave away every large picture, every medium pictures and every DVD of THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST that we had with us. Therese is planning to laminate today so we have more of the larger pictures. We cannot tell you what a blessing the pictures from Mary, Dana, Felicia, and Emily were at this time! We handed out a few thousand pictures last night and we are going back on Mon, Tues, and Wed nights to give out more. We will be stringing pictures every Mon, Tues, and Wed morning!

At the second service that night (they have 2 per night) they asked Therese and I to participate in the counseling, which is to take the information of people who raised their hands and prayed the sinner's prayer, and to talk to them and pray with them, while Nikki and Antonio waited outside to give the people pictures of Jesus as they come out. Being in the service gave us the opportunity to pray with different people! Thank you, Father! I saw Him moving among the people, from pew to pew, looking at them, loving them, and desiring to bring them to know Him. Jesus was present to heal and help. One woman came stumbling out of the service (we were in the back) saying, "I just got out of the hospital today and I don't feel well". She went to kneel down at a chair in the foyer and laid her head down on the chair, since there was no place else to rest. Jordan came and knelt beside her and prayed for her along with his mother, Therese. We met another woman named Teresa who was grieving because of her autistic 14 year old daughter and 25 year old son with HIV and a husband who is depressed because of the circumstances. Also, her mother in Mexico is supporting her brothers who have deep physical problems. We laid hands on Teresa to pray for her (and gave her Jesus' picture!) and I saw Jesus listening, ready to act, so I told her and Therese told her what she saw from Jesus. Jordan and I laid hands on her and prayed for her children and for everything she was bringing to Jesus, that burdened her heart so deeply. Join us in lifting her (and her family) to the Father. He loves them so deeply and how glad He is that she brought this grief and troubles to Him. He is going to act on her behalf.

Thank you, Father, for your leading, for giving us a chance to reach out to the needy with Jesus' pictures!. We were able to give pictures to thousands of people and tell them, "talk to Jesus and He will talk to you" just as we tell everyone, and we also got to pray with some of them. I laid hands on a baby with an oxygen tube in its nose. We took the address of seven people who requested more pictures (or a larger picture, or THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST). One woman whispered to ask if we could send pictures to her daughter in prison. She was so glad when I told her that we often send them to prisons. People labor under shame. While praying for the woman inside the church, she whispered to me with anguish about her son, "he has HIV". There is suffering in the world and the Father understands the source, but His heart is always to help. As I prayed for the man with HIV, I said to the Father, "For this woman's son, for the sake of Your Son". Pray for us as we go back on Mon, Tues, and Wed night to give out more pictures.

God bless all of you, dear Brothers and Sisters. Remember how the Holy Spirit showed an example of strong grass, growing deep and united in their roots under the ground. This prophecy is being fulfilled. We feel so supported by all of you. We know you trust and hear Jesus and you are praying with us for the events on earth and for the people of the world, and for the will of the Father and many of you have joined us to help to meet the needs financially of the service of OJP to Jesus.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Reminder of audio post

Silvana posted earlier, "Closer than close". What a beautiful post. The Father has been showing His plans to heal us, to move across all mankind. What she saw in the Spirit reminded me of something I was saying in the audio post called, "Rwanda". That post is not only about what the Holy Spirit showed about Rwanda but also about mankind in general and the love of the Father for us. We encourage you to listen to it, if you have not yet done so. (To listen, scroll down and look for the blue frame on the right, then click on line titled, "Rwanda", which is episode #3.)

Monday, November 13, 2006

Question from Matthew, answer from Char

Hi, I came across your website Operation Jesus Pictures and am intrigued by it. Is the message you preach real, what denomination of Christianity is it. I read some of Silvana’s blog articles and this thing about God going to Mecca and stooping over the black stone and writing on it appears strange to me. As a Christian I know and believe that Jesus is God – true God and true Man. Aren’t we supposed to respect all religions, although we know the TRUTH. Are you postulating a religious cult?

I will appreciate an answer, if you can.

Thank you and God bless.


Dear Matthew,

Thanks for your letter. Yes, our message absolutely is real. We preach that you can know Jesus for yourself; that just as Abraham and Moses and Adam and Job and Paul and so many others talked to the Father and heard from Him, so can you. Jesus opened the door by His sacrifice for our sin, so that we can return to our Creator, who loves us so. This is the gospel that is real and is true.

Why do you find it strange that God would say something to Allah and to the people in Mecca? Remember in the Old Testament, how the Ark of the Covenant was put in the temple of Dagon and the statue of Dagon fell over the first night and then they put it up again and it fell down again and the hands and the head broke off. Dagon was the god that they worshipped in that country. Was it politically incorrect of the true God (who was present in the Ark of the Covenant) to cause the false god's hands and head to break off? Allah is Satan, just as Dagon was Satan. He is a real being and the Father knows him well because the Father created him. The people in Mecca are deceived because they believe Allah to be God. It is the Father who brought this message to Mecca, not Silvana. She only saw what the Holy Spirit showed to her about it.

The reason the Father showed this message is because the time of the enemy is coming to an end. There is fierce warfare occurring in the Spirit and in the natural realm and it is going to greatly increase. This all leads to the return of Jesus, so we rejoice, even as we grieve over the pain and suffering that will come to many.

I encourage you, Matthew, to ask Jesus about this. Talk to Him, seek Him, and wait on Him. Keep talking to Him about everything, until you begin to hear His voice more and more clearly. You need to know the truth about these very serious topics on the earth today, and what better place to get the truth than from Jesus, who is the truth. And as He speaks to you, you can develop a relationship with the best Being in existence: our Friend and our God, Jesus.

I am not sure what you mean by postulating a cult. I am neither calling Islam a cult, nor Christianity a cult. A cult does not comes into it at all. Those who think that Allah is God are mistaken, for he is not. The real God loves, while Allah leads towards hatred and destruction. Jesus will show you the truth if you ask Him.

I hope that this answered some of the questions that you have. I am glad to hear that you are reading at the blog sites. Continue to ask Jesus about everything that you read there so you can see what the Holy Spirit is showing. As you talk to Him about these events, the Father promises to answer, and then to continue to speak to you, about that which is happening in your life and in the lives of the people around you.

God bless you, Matthew. Thanks again for writing. Do you have some of the free pictures of Jesus that we pass out? We would be happy to send some to you, wherever you live in the world.

In Jesus, our Friend and soon coming Bridegroom,
Char Tierney

Friday, November 10, 2006

17 year anniversary

Today is the 17 year anniversary of the forty day fast to which the Father called us in 1989. The Father's prophet, Silvana Lupetti, and I, fasted for forty days and then the prophecies in BLOW THE TRUMPET IN ZION (God's Warning To The Church and God's Word to the Remnant) were given shortly after. The Holy Spirit was moving so powerfully in the earth at that time. The Berlin wall came down the day before the fast started and in just a few months seven nations left the communist bloc. This fast was the starting point for OPERATION: JESUS PICTURES.


I saw a countdown from the Father the other day. First I saw 8,9,9, then 10,9,8,7,6. The Holy Spirit woke me up the day after the election to show these numbers to me and to call them "a countdown". This is the first portion of the countdown and then the 5,4,3,2,1 will resume at a time of His choosing.


I was standing against the enemy, who wants to use the election results and the events in the world to bring widespread death. This will call for patient endurance from all of us and a constant connection to the Father. All day I kept seeing Satan's murderous insistence on death, and more death. Why is he so full of violence and murder? I saw the Father looking at the enemy as this question was being asked. He took the enemy by the throat and lifted him in the air and shook him. Something fell out of the clothing on the enemy. It looked like an old fashioned camera, like a black box camera. It fell to the ground with a clunking sound. I don't know what this signifies. In the evening I was sitting at my desk, weary from the day's wrestling over the enemy's nature, and I put my head down at my desk. The Father came and laid His hand gently on my back. I could feel His sympathy. He was glad that I cared.

I thought of what the Father showed about the demons in America who have encouraged women to be liberal, to be immoral, and I said, "I guess this means these demons will be come against". "Yes", said the Father.


The Father said something to Silvana today. "They can't throw Me out of office". To me, this election feels like that. To reject the war on evil, is to reject the Father. It reminds me of the time that the Israelis wanted a king. Though they had the Father to lead them, and prophets that He sent, yet they told the prophet Samuel that they wanted to have a king. Samuel was deeply grieved about it, but the Father told him, "It is not you that they have rejected, but Me". And this seems the same to me. But, the Father is in control and He is absolutely right. They cannot throw Him out, they cannot stop Him as he continues to prepare the world for the return of Jesus.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

America is greater than one election


 We had really strong feelings after the election, naturally enough, since the implied retreat in the war on terror. I was walking outside today and the Father said to me, "America is greater than one election". 

I was so glad to hear His comment and feel His smiling, loving, presence. There will be serious consequences, but He is still on the throne, as Silvana commented by the Holy Spirit while we were in a yahoo conference with Pastor Jean and Felicia, Therese, and Nikki, later in the day. She also spoke of seeing high places crumbled into dust.  We also laid out some needs for Rwanda and for Brother Joseph in Ghana. 

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Report from Brother Joseph in Ghana

Today we received a lovely letter from our brother Joseph in Ghana. He tells a little more detail about their situation on the farm, and also lays out some needs they have. We received donations today from Robert and Catherine, and from Dana, so we are going to send the money that Joseph and his brethren need to their ikobo account. It was great timing to receive these offerings of help to OJP! When we received the gifts in the mail we rejoiced and said, "We can make a payment to the printer!" but then we opened our email and saw the greater needs of those in Ghana. Please pray for our provision to make a payment to the printer. The Father said He will provide so we konw we can trust Him to do that very thing.

Dear sister Char & Silvana and everyone,

We greet you all in the great name of Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you very much for your email. We are glad to fellowship together in the Christmas day! To make our feast more similar and real with yours and with that of our brethren at Rwanda, we will also be eating rice, macaroni, desserts made from fruit and soda to drink! In addition to this, we will also prepare our children's favorite snack, i.e. fried ripe plantain chips! Yes a gift of $100 will be sufficient for this feast - thanks in advance for enabling us to make a Christmas feast which we have missed for several years due to hardship and difficult situations!

We all live in the same house as a small Christian community of 6 families and 8 singles. There are total of 15 adults, and 13 children. The house consist 5 rooms, kitchen, and a living room. The living room is now serving as a bedroom for two families, the kitchen too is also serving as a bedroom now. We constructed a small structure with mud & wood at the backyard which now serve as the kitchen!Our hearts are filled with joy for the good news about the monthly gift that you planned to bless us with! We pray that Jesus will make the approval process to be very smooth! When we also start receiving the gift, we will set aside some portion for the spread of gospel here in Ghana.

Though the building we are living is being wired, it had not been connected to the mains power supply. We are still in darkness, and the building being a bit isolated from others, makes our feelings of the darkness to be more intense! The landlord have told us that when once we pay the remaining renting balance of $280, that he will use part of it to subscribe for electric power new service supply for us. There are several things that we need to do with electricity, especially for the lightings, playing the "hooked of Phonics" audio tapes for the children to learn, etc. We are presently using locally made lamp that uses kerosene, but it is not good for the eyes nor for reading. There are also little renovations that the landlord will only be capable to do when he received the remaining balance. Please, pray with us and ask Jesus to provide for this as soon as possible!

From next week, we will start to transplant the seedlings to the garden. We will keep you updated as it goes. There is a great sign that our crops will flourish here! Since our crops are yet to mature, we still need much food supply and other basic needs. About $150 will sustain us for some weeks, before we will be able to get some little incomes from the vegetables that we have raised in the farm here. Since yesterday, we had very little to live on, please, ask Jesus to provide for our food today and for the coming days. The family of Assiongbo who also lives here with us needs your prayers as sister Mensah Assiongbo, the wife of Kennedy Assiongbo is expecting a baby in couple of months. Sister Mensah needs pre-natal medical checkups, she have not yet been able to register with a "child delivery home" here, which cost is equivalent of $25. When she registered, she will receive checkups, advice, care, etc, till she got delivered. Please, pray for the needs of this family and for God's protection of the mother and the expecting baby!

Now may the One Who is able to keep us from falling and is able to supply all our needs far more abundantly that we can possibly imagine, may He guide, correct, keep and uphold us as we continue to put our trust in Him! Extend our greetings, love and thanks to your families and to the rest of the brethren there at Operation Jesus Pictures. We look forward to hearing from you.

Your brother, Joseph & the brethren here


We have the wonderful news to report that our sister in Jesus, Nikki, and her husband have bought the house across the street from us! So now we have three houses together for OJP where we are serving Jesus together. It was a miracle that they were able to get the house. The Father worked it out with perfect timing.

The Father was talking about how hard it is to stand against the liar who opposes us as he moves with evil intent all over the earth. The Father said that what it takes is commitment. As the enemy moves to try and get us to stop our loving obedience to Jesus, he pressures us in every way. Our commitment to Jesus, our commitment to the truth, gives us the strength to stand.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Beauty from the Father

The Father has been talking about coming to Him to spend time with Him, promising each who did that He would indeed meet with them. Silvana told me that the other day she was thinking of this being said so she went to the Father to just be with Him and she said that when she did this a wave of acceptance and love came towards her from Him.

The Holy Spirit has been saying to "step outside and meet with the Father" every day. Come out into the beautiful world that He created and wait on him, even if only for a few moment per day. Take the time to seek Him out in the beauty of His creation and talk to Him and He will meet with you. On the Sabbath, whether you are keeping it on Saturday or Sunday, seek the Father in a park or another green setting, said the Holy Spirit. Someone commented to me the other day that the fall seems even more gorgeous than usual and I realized that this was true, as reflected in the turning of the trees in our front yard. We looked outside each day and it was stunningly beautiful. Here is an article from a newspaper in Britain that says the same is true there:

This deep beauty is from the Father as He welcomes us. He is backing up what the Holy Spirit is showing to us about meeting with Him. We need what we get from Him. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall rise up with wings as eagles. And in this battle, this standing against evil, standing against Satan, we need strength as never before. Thank you, Father, for the warm welcome from You, and for the beauty that You created all around us. May we stand with You for the sake of the whole world, and welcome Your Son's return to this world You created with such love.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Packages for Rwanda and Ghana

We packed one of the packages of toys for Rwanda today, and also a large envelope with Christmas decorations to send to Beathy for the Christmas feast. That was certainly a pleasure to do! We have other presents to send also, but they will come in a later box. Some of the presents are for Brother Joseph and the Believers Ministry in Ghana. We got a letter from him yesterday and we were so glad to hear from him! We have not heard, since the money was sent for the farm, so we were very happy to know how they are. He sent us the names and the ages of the 13 children with them because we told him about our plans to send gifts for Christmas.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

What a friend we have in the Father

Ongoing 'intifada' in France has injured 2,500 police in 2006 - This is a news story about the ongoing violence in France, particularly from Muslim youth. There is a much bigger problem than is being reported by the media world-wide. I was looking in one of my notebooks earlier today and I noticed a dream that I had on the 17th of this month, in which I dreamt that I went to France, to Lourdes and other places, and then went around in France. There is real danger there, a very real threat to their way of life, to liberty, whether they want to admit it or not, or whether they realize it or not.

There is a dream I thought I would mention also. On October 21st, I dreamt of going to the house of some Jewish people. I wanted them to open their vault because there was something inside that was needed to rescue a young Jewish man. I went to their house on the Sabbath. The vault had very thick walls. By the end of the dream I had seen the inside of the vault (which is why I knew that the walls were very thick) but apparently they did not want to bring out whatever was inside that would bring freedom to the young man.

I don't know exactly what the Holy Spirit is showing by that dream, other than the fact that it is very hard to reach the Jewish heart. They are so determined to not receive Jesus that they have built thick layers between the Father and themselves. What young man needs to be rescued, other than young Shalit, the soldier captured in Gaza and not yet released? Is the Father waiting for them to open themselves to Him before He acts on their behalf? We know that He has done much for them, and that only He can deliver them from the dangers that lie ahead. I posted the dream here so you can ask the Holy Spirit what He is showing, as I will continue to do.

Something really neat happened this week. We live in the country in New Mexico. There is a pond across the way, past the field in front of us. For the last four or five years a flock of sandhill cranes (or herons) has been spending the winter around this pond. It has been a joy to have them here. They have mournful beautiful cries. A few days ago Silvana and Therese and I were talking about the fact that we miss them and are looking forward to when they come back, which they normally do in November, if they come at all. As we were talking I asked the Father to bring them back. About fifteen minutes later, I saw the Father. He was standing in the front of our house and He was calling the herons. I could see this call going out from Him and somehow, by the Holy Spirit, I knew He was calling the birds. Two days later (yesterday) the birds came back! We saw them wheeling and turning in the sky, and then landing on some of the large trees around the pond. He really did call them! How much He loves us, that He would answer a prayer like this. What a friend we have in Him.

Therese was at the grocery store yesterday and she was talking to a woman about the fact that we will gladly pray for people. A man overheard her and he asked her to pray for him. Therese said we would be happy to do so but she didn't get a chance to ask him why he wanted us to pray for him. When she came and told us about it, Silvana saw this man by the Holy Spirit and described what he is feeling. She said that he is afraid. He feels like he is standing on a rug and the rug is being pulled out from under him. He doesn't know which way to fall.

She went on in the Spirit, saying that this man is as all mankind are. There is a great war with Satan and we are the battlefield. There is war being fought over us and war being fought against us. We are the prize. When the Father went to Mecca (continued Silvana) and wrote that message on the black stone there, He was making a claim, a claim to everything. He is who He is, and everything belongs to Him. In the Father's heart, in the Father's mind, we are worth fighting for. This man feels the fight and this man is worth the fight. Each person on earth, even when they are deceived and lost, are in the heart of the Father. There is not one that He does not want to rescue.

Saturday, October 28, 2006


From the King
For the King

We wished to send some small gifts to Pastor Jean and his wife Beathy and to their children and church for Christmas. We want the people in Rwanda to know that we love them and that we want to share with them this year the honoring of Jesus at Christmas. The more we talked about it, the more the Father began to show us that this idea is from Him. We met with Pastor Jean in Yahoo Messenger, as we do each week, and we talked about what would be needed for he and his wife and church members to have a feast at Christmas for the whole church. He told us that $236 would be a low figure to provide enough food and that $400 would be a high figure to provide the food for all. We immediately looked to Jesus and He said He will provide, so we committed to the highest figure. While we were talking about it, I saw Jesus at a feast, lounging on His side, as though He were laying down to eat.

After we talked about the feast, we wanted to order the small presents but we didn't have the money. We looked at a few things on the internet but we had to wait. A few nights later, Jesus said, "I will provide. Go ahead and order" so we bid on some items on ebay. The very next day we got the money to pay for them! Click here to see the pictures of what we bought on ebay to send to Pastor Jean's wife Beathy to distribute to guests at the feast.

You are invited to join us in celebrating this Christmas feast with Rwanda!! There are two things that you can do. One is to buy gifts for the Rwandans and send them to Pastor Jean for his wife to include with the gifts that she will be distributing to the guests at the feast. There are over 50 children in the church and 150 adults, and they might have more guests who come to the church on this day. Contact us for the mailing address for Jean and Beathy if you wish to send presents. The second thing that we are going to do is to have the same meal that Pastor Jean told us they will have at the feast. Here at OJP in the USA, we are planning to have beef and rice on Christmas, with desserts made from fruit. Please join us by having a side dish of rice and beef, prepared however you like, and then think of Pastor Jean and his church on that day, and pray for them and for all of Rwanda.

The prophet of the Father in the United States, Silvana Lupetti, was speaking in the Spirit today about Rwanda. She said that the Father is coming to move in Rwanda, to bring healing in body and spirit for adults and for children. As we were talking about this, the Father said to Silvana, "A King's feast for Rwanda: from the King, for the King", and that is exactly right. He is the King that we honor. He is the King providing the feast. The Father said that after the feast is over, He will remain in Rwanda to help them lift up Jesus.

Our sister Felicia commented on what she heard from the Holy Spirit as we talked of sending gifts for Christmas. She said that the Holy Spirit said that He "will take the box Himself". When she told me what the Holy Spirit said, I saw Him going towards Rwanda carrying a big box, with angels all around Him, almost dancing in their joy. There is joy because of the healing that is coming to those whom the Father loves so deeply.

Yesterday, I was praying for Rwanda and I saw the Father with a Rwandan. He reached deep inside the person, and then put His hands gently under and around their heart. He gently cradled their heart in His hands, and I saw healing in His hands. The enemy destroys. The Father heals with eternal love springing from His own heart.

One thing we are praying for is a digital camera to give to Pastor Jean so he will be able to take pictures of the feast, and afterwards, to take photos wherever he goes out with the pictures of Jesus. (Click here to see photos from October 15, 2006, when Pastor Jean gave out pictures of Jesus at a church he visited in Rwanda.)

Pastor Jean also told us that he gave pictures of Jesus to an associate pastor from one of the cities that is mentioned in the Father's Plan For Rwanda. The name of the city is Byumba.

Monday, October 23, 2006

A beautiful letter from Beathy

We wanted to share with you a beautiful letter that we received today from Pastor Jean's wife, Beathy. When we were packing a recent box of pictures of Jesus to send to Pastor Jean, we wanted to include a dress for Ruth, a few small toys for his children, and other little gifts for the family. As we looked around for what we could include in the box, I found a birthday card that had been sent to me, which plays Happy Birthday when you open it. It seemed like the perfect small gift to include for the sake of the children, and you can see by the email below that they really did like it. How great is our God, that the Holy Spirit cares even about the joy of children!

Hello Char! This message is from Beathy, To my dearest that I love so much, Char Tierney. How are you? For me, I am fine. First of all, I praise the Lord because He made us to meet and to know each other and now we became friends and sisters. I tell you: I love you very much!!!I thank you very much!!!! How you take care of us and how you do every thing to help us. It is beyond my understandings! It was a great surprise for me! I do not know how to give you my thanks! Only I pray the Lord during day and night for Him to give you all kinds of his blessings following to all you are doing for us!Indeed, we are very glad, and grateful. Me and children take this opportunity to thank you. For children, they are joyful with the musical card and their small cars! When they opened the card they began dancing! Till now when they open they dance again! They dance and sing:( Here is such melody on the radio when people wish to their friends a nice birthday! The song is in our mother tongue:Ugire umunsi mwizaa! Kuri uyu munsi wavutseho! Ugire umunsi mwiza kuri iyi taliki wavutseho....means have a nice day! on this day you were born! Have a nice day on this date you were born ... My children interpret this song and dance. The song in kinyarwanda has exactly the same melody like this you sent! I tell you also that they are very joyful with their cars while driving on the floor! I am very happy with them!Char, I am very thankful for all you sent to me: Every thing is nice! So, today I wrote this letter to you and I hope my husband will send it to you. I was, and I still am surprised. It is the 1st time in my life to see a good person, full of love! merciful and very compassionate! You washed all my tears! For your love and hepful heart I shall never forget you! May God protect you! Yours, Beathy

Picture of Beathy:
Picture of Ruth in outfit we sent:
Pictures at church where Jean brought Jesus' pictures: (click the 'next arrow' to see more photos:

Sunday, October 22, 2006

French police face 'permanent intifada'

In the news today: French police face 'permanent intifada':;_ylt=AsZKaS101UcExUSM87smkrVvaA8F;_ylu=X3oDMTA2Z2szazkxBHNlYwN0bQ

Here are a few paragraphs from the news story: On Sunday, a band of about 30 youths, some wearing masks, forced passengers out of a bus in a southern Paris suburb in broad daylight Sunday, set it on fire, then stoned firefighters who came to the rescue, police said. No one was injured. Two people were arrested, one of them a 13-year-old, according to LCI television....
Michel Thooris, head of the small Action Police union, claims that the new violence is taking on an Islamic fundamentalist tinge. "Many youths, many arsonists, many vandals behind the violence do it to cries of 'Allah Akbar' (God is Great) when our police cars are stoned," he said in an interview.
This is clearly part of the fight I saw the other day in the dream about France. Keep praying for every nation.
The Father was showing me the other day about the fact that He could be evil. He opened a door and I saw into His Spirit and into the depth of Him. If He were to choose to be evil no one could stop Him. He said that it is His choice to love. Just as we are given freedom to choose Him, to choose good or evil, in the same way, He, by His own free choice, loves, and is good. After seeing what the Holy Spirit showed me, I thought, of course He has this potential. I just never thought deeply about it before. I almost take it for granted that He is good, that He is love because God is love. Yes God is love because God chooses to be love. And His love is real and eternal. It will never end, for He will never end.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Two dreams

Dream from Felicia
October 17, 2006

I dreamt I was in front of a library in Hawaii (it seems like it was in the city, like Honolulu maybe). The library was kind of up high, on a platform, raised above the rest of the city, and the people of the city were down below us, almost like we were overlooking a big street, where the people would walk, and go about doing whatever they were doing. All of the sudden, there was an eruption, from what looked kind of like a volcano, but it had grass growing on it. What shot out from the volcano was some foliage. The first explosion was a big bush with green leaves on it, and it catapulted out of the volcano. The second thing that came out was another bush, but a little bigger. And the third thing was even bigger, a giant tree branch, with a few leaves. As this third branch was falling, and I was watching it catapulted out, and falling with great force down below, to where the people were, I was concerned about the people on the ground, because I knew people would be hurt by it when it fell to the ground, so my first inclination was, let's go see if anybody's hurt, and what can we do to help? In fact, as we were still standing there, in front of the library, a girl walked up the stairs, who had already been hurt on her arm by the falling debris. There were some people at the entrance to the library, watching what was happening, and they started helping her. There was a person in my dream who seemed to be a church person. This man was not even thinking about what was happening, but just kept to himself, pondering his thoughts, even as all this was happening right before our eyes. He really wasn't even noticing.

Dream from Char
October 17, 2006

I dreamt that I climbed up onto a platform that was over a city or over the earth. On this platform, which was in the air over the earth, there was spiritual warfare and I joined a battle that was going on there. At one point as the battle raged there seemed to be a struggle over France and I saw Joan of Arc from the Cloud of Witnesses.

Felicia and I both dreamt on the same night about a platform in the air. She dreamt of a library, which signifies your history, while I dreamt of warfare, and then of warfare over France. What she dreamt, erupting from the earth, seems to have to do with what I saw in the spirit about the struggle between the Father and Satan that was under Hawaii, under the earth. America's history is one of freedom. Is France's freedom at risk? The Holy Spirit will be faithful to show what these dreams mean as we wait on Him.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Underground wrestling

After the earthquake hit in Hawaii, I saw the Father and Satan. It was as though they were deep under the ground in Hawaii and there was a struggle about the earthquake, or about more earthquakes. I don't know what it means, but I noticed that since the Hawaii earthquake there was another one under the ocean.
M6.5 undersea quake hits near Papua New Guinea:

I wondered if any of these quakes could have been triggered by what North Korea did. Not a direct result, but triggered by the tests they are making, sending shockwaves underground. There is really no point in guessing, but there is clearly a fight over these events between the Father and Satan.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Councils of War Picture

I had a vision several years ago (in 1998 or 1999) of going to a room in the Father's house with the Father. I followed Him down a corridor from the throne room, to a room that seemed like a college classroom. We went in and there was a blackboard with the words, COUNCILS OF WAR written on the board. There were people in the room. I saw Abraham standing in the back of the room. There were prophets in the room. They were passionate, involved, and outspoken. They were all gathered before the Father for this council of war. They had been called by Him to come to the council. (Click here to read the vision.) In the vision, Jesus came into the room, with colors around Him. The reason I am posting this is because just recently Felix D in England sent to me a picture (that he worked hard to make) that reflects very closely what I saw in the vision. In actuality, I saw colors in the mist around Jesus, and in the picture that Felix gave to me the colors are on Jesus' clothing, but it does look very close to what I saw. Click here to see the picture that Felix made. Thank you, Felix.

This vision was seen during the time of the church, when the Father was warning them by His Holy Spirit and trying to get them to repent. You can read the prophecies to the church on our website that were given through the Father's prophet in the United States, Silvana Lupetti. The Holy Spirit pointed out how shallow they are, how they don't hear Jesus and they don't teach others to hear Him, or even to know Him, and they don't love Him. Now, the time of the fallen church is over. He said that the time of the church was over in 2000, when He said to take the crosses down from the churches without love and then He said that He would go around them, as He has done. Later that year the election was held in which President George W. Bush was elected and there was a huge opposition to it in the spirit, as the enemy opposed him with all his strength. The Father intended for President Bush to lead the war on terror, which is war against the enemy's forces.

The Father is not speaking to the church about themselves now. He is speaking of the war and if they want to hear Him, then they need to come to Him about the war and listen and seek His view and His thoughts. This is the greatest fight with evil the whole world has seen. Everyone is involved. Satan's war is with every human being. He will kill indiscrimiately, at any time, wherever he can, on every field. This is why we warn to be careful, very careful. Satan is in a murderous rage. If the pastors don't know this, and don't see about the war, and are not teaching the people to seek Jesus and talk to Him and hear Him and know Him and to stand for good and for freedom, then they are failing their flocks. However, some are looking to hear what the Father says.

The vision showed the colors blue and pink (and green too, not in the pictures, but faintly seen at the time) and it is true. Blue is revelation: Jesus wants His people to know Him, and pink, healing and health for us, particularly in our spirits. (And green, to come to maturity.) When the film, THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST, was being made, the actor playing the part of Jesus was struck by lightning while on the cross. He said that when struck he saw a pink haze surrounding him. Yes, our healing comes through Jesus' stripes.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Indonesia, think "Biblical", ignore the enemy and powerful message to Allah

On January 12, 2005, we sent a post to our mailing list:
On August 6, 2006 we posted some comments in this blog about the tsunami in Indonesia and the Father's purpose for bringing it. There have been continual disasters and problems in Indonesia since the Father acted to bring the tsunami on December 26, 2004.
(From blog) About a year or so before this Tsunami and earthquake, the prophet of the Father in the United States, Silvana Lupetti, pointed at a map of the world in that exact spot. She drew a circle on the map with her finger and said, "Something really big is coming here." At the time, we wondered what it would be. Now we know. One reason that the Father is acting so strongly in Indonesia (Tsunami, earthquakes, volcano, and other disasters) is because it is a hotbed of Muslim radicalism. Their actions would be far worse if they had not been hit by the many natural disasters from the Father striking their nation. This is supernatural help from the Father in the struggle against evil. If it wasn't for Him, we would be overcome. When Jesus returns, He will rescue Israel and the whole world.

NEWS ARTICLE: Study: Earth changed after Sumatra quake
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Aug. 3 (UPI) -- U.S. scientists say they've determined Earth's gravity changed as a result of the giant 2004 Sumatran earthquake. The discovery marked the first time scientists have used satellite data to detect changes in the Earth's surface caused by a massive earthquake.The discovery signifies a new use for data from NASA satellites and offers a possible new approach to understanding how earthquakes work. The 9.1-magnitude December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake in the Indian Ocean produced a tsunami that killed approximately 230,000 people, while displacing more than 1 million others.The event followed the slipping of two continental plates under the seafloor that raised ocean bed in the region by several feet for thousands of square miles.

Here are two more news stories about Indonesia:

Indonesian military denies terror links:,20867,20521775-2703,00.html

Indonesia asks for help over fires polluting region:

What would we do without the help of the Father? If it wasn't for the problems in that area of the world, we would have much more trouble from the Islamist extremists there. We pray for the innocent children and people involved but we thank the Father for His protection and His leading and power in the war against evil. He knows how to fight this war on terror, and to prepare the world for Jesus' return.

As the news continues to come in about North Korea and its nuclear weapons plans and Iran and the government there, it becomes more and more clear that we not only need the Father to help the world, but that He is indeed in the midst of what is happening and that it is He who calls the nations to account. He is the God of this world, He is the Judge of us all. North Korea cannot continue to starve its people. Iran, Syria, and others cannot continue to oppress the people and keep them from freedom. Yes, there is a fight on our hands, but it is the Father who is acting and we can trust His good judgment as events progress.

The Father told me the other day to tell people, "think 'Biblical'". When you read the Bible and you see the events that happen, they never seem to you as simply the events of the day, they seem imbued with a special significance because they are recorded in the Bible. For instance, we read where the Father told David, "listen for the sound of the wind in the trees and act then, for I am leading you". (paraphrase by me) Or we read of the people who criticized King David and we are indignant and we look for justice from the Father. The Father said, in the same mannner, look at the events on the earth today. See what is happening around the world and then know that the Father is near, the Father is involved. He is either acting, or He will respond, especially as we bring situations to Him by our prayers. View the world as though all these events are "biblical", as though they are happening in the Bible.

I mentioned in the audio blog (episode #2) how I had ignored the enemy who was present because I knew he was there and I know he is a liar, so I was not willing to waste any time or energy on what he said, on what I know to be a lie. The prophet Silvana said that the Holy Spirit showed her something very similiar recently: ignore the enemy. By now we can often recognize our intense feelings when they are being manipulated by an invisble power (the enemy) and we can just ignore the feelings. If we do this, and simply continue on with what we were doing in Jesus, then the feelings will pass and no time will be wasted. And why should we waste time when we are doing such wonderful deeds as we follow the leading of our great and powerful and loving God? So, take this to heart and ask the Holy Spirit to apply it at the right times, and ignore the onslaught of the enemy who comes to discourage or oppress or attempt to interfere through your thoughts and feelings. Be calm and trust Jesus. He knows what He is doing. This is a timely warning from the Holy Spirit.

Did you read the post that Silvana put on her blog about the Father's message to Allah? This is so powerful! The Father wrote on the stone in Mecca with His finger, just as He wrote the ten commandments with His finger. The changes coming to this earth are enormous; changes as momentous as the flood, as leaving the garden of Eden. Our God will be upon this earth, dwelling among us, and Satan will be out of the picture so people all over the world can have freedom and get to know our Saviour and our Creator.

What the Father is showing about the 12th Imam is only a portion of what is going to come from Satan. The twelvth Imam is for the sake of the Muslims, to lead them to act, but it is not the totality of what Satan will do in his role of raising up the antichrist. The Apostle John said that there are many antichrists. Satan has in mind someone that the whole world will believe or want to believe, someone of great deception. Satan was present before the fall of Babel. He knows every language on earth. He is incredibly twisted, incredibly determined, incredibly deceptive, and incredibly dangerous. Let us be careful not to make assumptions, but to continue to follow the Father as He leads, like a flock of birds that flies in formation behind their leader, who sets the course. He knows the way and He knows our enemy, and we don't need to run ahead of Him. He will reveal what we need to know exactly as the time is right.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

A Powerful Dream


I dreamt that I was in a house that was being left in my care. I had only been in a few of the rooms when I left to go around the neighborhood. I made friends with people there, especially with the children. I was planning to take two of the children on an outing but then their mother came over with them to visit me, so we went into the house instead. It was a boy and a girl and a woman. I started to give them a tour of the house.

The first floor seemed to have many bedrooms and sitting rooms but not too many people in it. We went to the second floor and went into a room that was filled with many tv screens, and what looked like radar screens. Many of the tv screens were turned off and I wondered aloud if they were even connected. There was a serious man in the room who was watching the radar screens. We went out of that room into a large room with many couches on the same floor. There were many people in the room in little groups. They were talking. They seemed to be taking turns giving testimonies about their own church. The people in each group were from the same church, and there were many groups, representing many different churches. As they went around the room giving the testimonies one man said something about his church being "nothing but dung". This caused an enormous outcry in the room. Some felt that the man meant that the church building didn't matter and that everything is nothing but dung compared to Jesus Himself and they defended his statement. Others were deeply offended and they wanted the man ostracized for using the word "dung". When we left, they were still arguing among themselves.

The children and the mother and I went to the third floor, which was the top floor. It was a large room with rows of pews. We entered through the back of the room. As we were standing there in a little room off to the side, people started gathering in the pews. There was to be a meeting on "who is the anti-christ?" The woman and the two children looked at me to see what I would say but I didn't know what to say because the Holy Spirit wasn't saying anything to me, so I was silent. The people continued to gather and the pews were almost full, when suddenly the Holy Spirit moved on me and I saw the answer to the seminar. I walked over the back of the pews and spoke in a loud voice and everyone turned to look at me and listened as I spoke. I recognized the way that I was speaking as being from the Holy Spirit. (In real life I am somewhat soft-spoken and my voice never carries as well as when I am in the Spirit and He has something powerful to say.)

In the dream, in a loud voice I said, "The Muslims expect a savior to come, called the 12th Imam. Rusty's daughter-in-law heard a voice saying to her that the twelveth iman will come and that he will be the anti-christ and this is right." I was going to expound on this when I woke up.

(It actually happened that Rusty's daughter in law heard a voice saying that the twelfth imam would be the anti-christ, and I have been waiting on the Holy Spirit since Rusty wrote to me about it recently, but the Father hadn't said anything to me before this dream.)


This dream is in large part about the church. The house is the church, the neighborhood is the world. The children are the lambs, those in the highways and byways. I don't know what their mother represents. The first floor is the personal floor. The bedrooms are where we sleep, the sitting rooms are like living rooms, personal. Not many people were there because not many people have a personal relationship with Him such as we describe: a relationship such as Abraham had with Him. Some, but not many.

The second floor is the church floor: "the upper room". The room that had television sets and radar screens did not have many people in it, but some. There was a man watching the radar. He had a chair on wheels, like a computer chair, which he used to wheel around to look at different screens. He hardly glanced at us when we came through because he was intent on watching the screens. There were others in the background in that room, but not too many. This represents looking into events in the world (the tv screens) and the spirit (the radar screens). Some see Satan and what he is really doing, but not many. There is much talk of Satan and demons in the church, but hardly any talk about what he is really doing worldwide, especially concerning good and evil, and terrorism versus freedom. The man in the chair might well be someone like Pastor John Hagee, who does see what is happening with Satan and radical Islam and teaches about it. Most of the tvs in the room were turned off. Many in the church don't look at events in the world and go to the Father about them, but teach only of themeselves and how they interpret the Scriptures.

Also on the second floor was the large room with the couches and the many groups of people. This was the part of the house that had the most people. What a look at the church the Holy Spirit gives here! Their conversation is about their own particular church and they were quick to condemn the one who spoke in a manner that offended them, although they must know that the Apostle Paul said that he considers all things dung compared to knowing Jesus, and being found in Him: "But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I count all things but loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ, And be found in him, not having mine own righteousness, which is of the law, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith." (Philippians 3:7-9)

The third floor represents the level in which we confront Satan. The anti-christ comes from him. There was a space in the front of the pews as there normally is in churches. The floor in the front was not lifted up, but was on the same level as the floor under the pews. No one was there. The children and the woman and I were standing in the back in a little room that was attached to the large room with pews. There were large windows between the two rooms. The room we were in was somewhat like a nursing room that some churches have for nursing mothers. You can be near enough to hear the sermon, yet have privacy to feed your baby. When the Holy Spirit moved on me in the dream, I immediately went into the back of the larger room and began speaking. The significance of my speaking from the back of the pews, rather than from the front, is because I do not come through the church. I speak from the Holy Spirit through the website or emails or on our tv show, and to people we meet, but I do not come from or through any specific church. Most of the pews were full. There are many people who believe that these are the "end times" and that Jesus' return is rapidly approaching and that the anti-christ will emerge soon.

We can see by the dream that this is what Satan has planned: to bring a leader to the Muslims who will be believed to be the twelfth imam. The prophet Silvana has talked about the fact that Satan wants to be "hands on" in his dealings with mankind. He moves now on people, and influences them to act, but he wants to move more directly and powerfully. This is what he will do through this Muslim leader, to be directly involved, 24/7, every moment of every day and night.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A letter exchange from Joseph in Ghana

As you can see by the email below that Silvana wrote in reply to Joseph's letter, we had been saying that $200 was the amount that we wanted to send to the Believers in Ghana. We knew that they would need things for the house and farm.We always look to Jesus for the different aspects of OPERATION: JESUS PICTURES, whether it is mailing free pictures, or helping a brother or sister who is part of Operation: Jesus Pictures, or paying the bills around here, so that we can take it to the Father for provision. She and I both saw this amount $200.00 was the right amount needed for Brother Joseph and the Believers with him. Then we received Josephs email in which he mentions the same amount needed. Silvana posted the two emails together earlier today on this blog site, and I saw the Father. I said to Silvana, "the money for this might come in the mail today." I saw the Father and I heard Him saying something about "contribution".

Within a matter of 30 minutes or so, Therese went to the post office and brought back the mail today which had a tithe from Robert and his wife Catherine, which contained the exact amount of $200.00! Thank you, Robert and Catherine your faithfulness bears fruit, and thank you, Father! Perfect timing, perfect amount. See how the Father hears, leads and helps all those who call on Him. He will do this in everyone's life, if you speak He hears, when He speaks and leads, we hear and follow. Please pray for this little flock of people who, even when hungry, gave the pictures of Jesus to anyone they could.

As I was pondering the Father saying, "contribution", I thought that this was a beautiful sight and a beautiful word. All that we do is our contribution to Him, to what He is doing through Operation: Jesus Pictures. The work that I do, the gifts that I have, all that Silvana does, or Doug or Therese, is our contribution to Him and what He is doing. This is the contribution of Robert and Catherine. Others contribute too. Together we carry out His will. Yesterday in a Yahoo Conference I was commenting again about the birds flying together in concert, like angels who fly together, led by the Holy Spirit, turning and moving and acting as He leads. Each of us contributes, while it is the Holy Spirit who leads. And if we follow Him perfectly, as He is perfect, what good will come to the world.
Dear Char, Silvana, Felicia, Therese and everyone at OJP, Greetings to you all in the name of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. We had been moving since last week to our new blessed home at Gbedekope. Firstly, we put oil around and in the property as the Father instructed us through His Prophet, Silvana. When a photographer comes, we will take some pictures and the property, so that we can mail them to you.We are glad for the package of the Pictures and the seed that you sent, we so much look forward to receiving it. When once we got it, we will let you know. We are already in new planting season now, the vegetables are coming in good time! Our postal address will not change as we will still be getting our mails from the same post office. We continue to rejoice and thank Jesus and all of you there for sharing greatly in our life and future.
It is our continuous joy hearing about he pictures of Jesus that you are sending to several nations. Although the property was fully renovated, there are still some fixtures like sleeping beds, mosquito nets and necessary househol furniture like kitchen table, etc. There are also a lot of miscellenous expenses since we started packing. We also need more watering cans to fetch water from the deep water-well to the farm. Our food resources is also going down. In estimation, it will cost around $200 to fix this needs, and that will also sustain us till our new crops will give yield. Please, ask Jesus for help.Extend our greetings, love and thanks to your families and the rest of the brethren there at OJP. We look forward to hearing from you.
Your brother, Joseph & the brethren here

Reply from Silvana Dearest Joseph and all the brethren with you, we were just yesterday talking about what your needs would be, for food, bedding, medicines etc. And that amount you mention is what we also saw, so see the Holy Spirit working. We are looking to gather that number together and sending it as quickly as possible. The moment we have it we will send it. We trust the Father as you do, and He will provide and we are glad! Give our love and greetings to the flock, we are asking the Father to bless them greatly and give them strength and hope for the days ahead. And you, their brother and leader, we greet you with a holy kiss and our thanks for being loyal and faithful to our Beloved friend, Jesus.

If we can send more we will, just know that we will always be looking to your needs as Jesus directs.

In His love
Char Tierney, Silvana Lupetti and all with us

Letter exchange from Pastor Jean in Rwanda

God bless you! I was so happy to talk to you and I am glad now to receive again this support from you! I love you so much! And I know that you love me very much too and all you do is because of our love in Christ! I told to my wife that we spent 4 hours in Chat and she was estonished! She said "they love you so much! All 4hours! AS if they are your sisiters and brothers of same mother and same father!" But in Jesus it is so! WE have same FATHER!All my brothers and sisiters I love you! Thank you for all! Bless you
Yours Jean.

Dearest Brother Jean, yes, we love you, you have stood under hard circumstances, and you have stayed true to Jesus. Your heart is full of love and we are so glad that we can work together to help the Father heal Rwanda.

Could you ask the Father about giving us your testimony of the genocide and also your wife, I know it's painful but the Father will help you. It is only 2005 that the Rwandan government has officially recognized the fact that it was a genocide. And now the Father comes into Rwanda to heal the inner wounds as well as the physical wounds. Please ask Him and see about your genocide testimonies. Greetings to your wife, our prayers are with her. A kiss to your children. Together we bring the light and hope of Jesus to the wounded nation of Rwanda.

God bless you richly, dear Jean, in Jesus' matchless Name.

Operation: Jesus Pictures

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Poison in the pot and observations about Satan

In the last few days I have seen Satan different times standing in a kitchen with a pot with poison in it. I mentioned this in two places on the blogs: one in my own blog: I saw Satan today. He was walking in his camp. Then, I saw a kitchen, with Satan inside. He had a pot on a stove and he was making something for mankind. Of course it is sure to be poisonous. I saw the Father, calmly watching Satan.
The second place was in Yahoo Messenger today, which is posted on Silvana's blog. I see the enemy as I saw him yesterday, in a kitchen at a stove, cooking something in a pot, and he hears what is being said by Silvana through the Holy Spirit, and he has his shoulders hunched as he cooks up this evil brew, whatever it is, and he pretends to not hear as the Father lays out the truth. Well, there is a news story tonight about poisoning in Iraq: Hundreds of Iraq Police Sick From Poison. Whatever the enemy does, the Father sees.
If you have not yet read Silvana's blog about her speaking in Yahoo Messenger, do so. Through her, the Father speaks to Satan, telling him what is coming; healing to Rwanda, and overthrow of all the high places that Satan has erected in many nations. One thing that Silvana said in Yahoo is not posted as she was speaking of Satan earlier today. She said something about Satan and his "kingdom of self." I thought that was such a powerful phrase. Of course we know that it is through self that he moves on man, appealing to man's sin, which is self over others. However, Satan himself is in his own world, his own kingdom, which is a kindom based on himself. He is as much a slave to self, to sin, to evil, as any human could ever be.
The Holy Spirit has been revealing Satan and his nature and his plans and actions, especially this last year, to both Silvana and to me. As I have observed him, one thing I have noted is his total lack of care for anyone who is with him. Demons that have left heaven because of him; he could care less. His closest allies, no care. There is no emotion, nothing that comes from him, towards anyone, except for hate. He is totally one hundred percent involved with self. He cares for himself and no other. He would bring the world with every human being, every demon, to total annhiliation without a qualm for the sake of himself. And what a way that the Holy Spirit put this: kingdom of self.

PICTURES OF THE MOTOR SCOOTER and powerful testimonies

Hello Char! Now I am sending you some pictures, but i first apologize because I could not send them yesterday as i have told you. We sometimes have problem with electricity in our area and when it is gone every thing is stopped! So I send the scooter's pictures with me. You can see me pushing it, on it, beside, and how it looks. I thank you so much. I have sent you some pictures for persons who were baptised after receiving Jesus pictures and watching the movie. You can see also these ones who sent me their pictures after i have sent the previous ones!

I would like to share with you some witnesses of these 3 persons I have phoned them and told them that there are in USA servants of God who love us and send us DVDs and Jesus pictures and they were so happy to hear their witness! So these persons decide to send me pictures too. Yesterday my wife was invited to be in prayers with them at their church and they send me pictures they have promised. One of them is a boy who was addicted in alcoholism and drugs! He says, "Before Jesus catch me I did not know that God Exists! I thought I am me lone and sufficient for me! But now Jesus changed every thing in my heart and my attitudes changed completely! When I received Jesus pictures I thought it was a joke and I said' if really God exist let's see if He can change me!' in the same period I watched also Christ passion movie but it did not say me anything! But in the following time I began to have problems when I took the drugs. I missed peace and became almost foolish! Some times I vomited so much! I became very thinner! I missed peace! One day i missed peace completely and I went in the church! When the pastor was preaching everything he said I understood it concerned me. After he called persons for repentence, I was the 1st! They prayed so much for me! I felt many things were changing in me! I went back home as a new person! After I gave in the Church my testimony how Jesus pursuited me untill I repent! Now my heart is full of peace because I talk to Jesus and he knows me. He witnesses!

The 2nd testimony is from that woman, you see me baptising her! She says that she was born in a family full of demons and all the family was under the demons authority! She says that in her family some girls were given to demons as their wives! Her life was a persecution before she received Jesus! She says she was invited to watch the film of Jesus passion and saw how he was persecuted for healing every body and washing away every sin! so that day she decided herself to receive Jesus as her king and her savior and took Jesus pictures for her and her neighbours! Now she is a choir member and began to preach in her own family, many of them are receiving Jesus! The 3rd girl was a prostitute! But now Jesus healed her! She is an examplary girl in the area and the church.

Now the scooter is well operating and I am still waiting for the package of Jesus pictures and when it arrives every thing will be easy for this time because I haven't any problem of transport. Thank you Char! You said you would like to send me an other fees for gas, thank you so much! God bless you in every thing!
Yours faithfully, Jean

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Thank you Jesus

Pastor Jean has the motor scooter, which was provided for him by Antonio and Nikki, for Jesus' sake! He will be able to take the pictures of Jesus all over Rwanda. We will post a picture of the motor scooter as soon as he is able to send it to us. We are so happy for Rwanda's sake. The other day Silvana saw the Father. He was moving through Rwanda with His arms outstretched. In his hands was a net, which stretched from border to border. He moved from south to north, gathering up demons in the net. He is bringing freedom to Rwanda.

Jean sent us a few pictures of people being baptized who had received pictures of Jesus and watched the film, THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. In this picture, in which Jean is baptizing a young man, I saw angels standing behind them watching, glad for this joyous sight.

Have you been reading all the blogs we post? You should! We got seeds for the garden for Brother Joseph in Ghana, after they were able to get the land, and although the price of the seeds should have been over $150, we only paid $5. It cost us less to mail the package to Joseph, with 5000 pictures of Jesus included with the packets of seeds, than it would have to pay for the original price of the seeds. Jesus again leads us with perfect timing. Thank you, Jesus.

Silvana said, "Why can't we build a church in Rwanda?" Why not a church with Jesus as the foundation, where Pastor Jean could teach the people, with the great trust in the Father that he himself has, and where pictures of Jesus could be distributed to many. We are definitely waiting on the Father for this. It would be a new church, a post-genocidal church, where Jesus is the leader.

Silvana saw angels with toolboxes. She said that they are for people who are doing good in the earth, who have a good influence on others. The toolboxes are so the angels can help them, and expand their sphere of influence.

I saw Satan today. He was walking in his camp. Then, I saw a kitchen, with Satan inside. He had a pot on a stove and he was making something for mankind. Of course it is sure to be poisonous. I saw the Father, calmly watching Satan.