The oblong rock in the very front is the rock for Iraq. The rock directly before Jesus is the rock for Iran, with the American Liberty Bell on top. The smaller red rock to the left is the rock for North Korea, the larger reddish rock to the right is the rock for China. The large rock that Jesus stands on is the rock representing the USA, the leader in the war for freedom. The four lights are solar lights and they light up before Jesus at night.
Char Tierney saw the demon over North Korea and he is dark and keeps the people from the truth. Kim Jong Il starves those who oppose him, and lies to those who support him. He puts on a charade for the world. From a satellite, you can see South Korea, but North Korea is blacked out. This is a perfect example of the works and the spirit of this demon. Well, we pray for the people and oppose the strongman demon. Who is he to oppose freedom? Who is he to place himself as an enemy of Jesus? Father, in Jesus' name, bring freedom to the people of this oppressed nation.
We put out the rock for North Korea on 2-19-05. Silvana saw angels going up the borders on either side of North Korea, pouring oil before the Father. Then, we poured oil up and around the borders of our patio as we put out the rock for North Korea before Jesus. We saw the Father at ground level within North Korea, just as Silvana saw Him at ground level in Iraq. He is there at ground level, under the darkness of the enemy. The end is certain. The Father's will shall be done on earth, and all men will come to freedom. We ate a piece of fruit (pear) before Jesus for the people, that they might have the fruit of freedom. The Father said, "the enemy has no fruit." As we poured out the oil we said by the Holy Spirit, "he who bears no fruit, he who has no generations, he who has no future", and the angels around us said, "he will be no more".